[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200410/84a615d81cd19c1da3ad7181536ec0d9.png[/img][/center] Somehow, she'd spent far too long shopping for snacks and was now later than intended, although it was difficult to tell by the way Brianna was casually making her way down the quietly bustling New Athens street. Suddenly stopping to look up at a sign, Brie smiled to herself when she realised she had found the right place. [color=00aeef]"Great!"[/color] She said, ignoring a very disgruntled middle-aged man, who presumably worked in an office block by the look of his cheaply made suit, as he nearly walked straight into her. He aimed a stream of foul language in her direction but Brie still seemed too preoccupied to notice or care. Instead, she stepped into a small side street that mainly housed the back of several shops and a variety of dumpsters, crouching down on the pavement. [color=00aeef]"This should be okay for you I think!"[/color] In her arms she held the ginger tomcat, who seemed altogether unconcerned that he had been carted halfway across the city by this girl. After setting him on the ground, Brie stood up, brushing her jeans down with a careless swipe of her hand. The cat looked at her for a few moments before he padded off to the open backdoor of a nearby bakery, seemingly having smelt something that he liked. As she watched the stray walk away, her phone buzzed, a text from Will flashing up on her screen. Glancing over the message, it was clear that he believed absolutely none of what she had said. [color=00aeef]"I spent a whole five minutes thinking that up too..."[/color] She frowned as she began to type a quick response. [quote]no way. i'm a great liar ;) ill try! speak to you l8r xxx[/quote] Pressing send, Brie slid her phone into the back pocket of her jeans as she walked back to the apartment block, making her way up the stairs two at a time, too impatient to wait for the elevator. [color=00aeef]"That was a lot of stairs!"[/color] She panted breathlessly as she finally reached the fifth floor, having arrived just as the others were making their way into the apartment. [color=00aeef]"Nice place Angie! Is it just you here?"[/color] Brie beamed happily as she followed them in, strolling over to the sandwiches and soda which had been set out, her interest in them rapidly decreasing when she saw what was inside. [color=00aeef]"Wow, so healthy...."[/color] Setting down her bag, she began to pull out a variety of snacks, including a half-eaten packet of popcorn and a bag of Doritos, placing them alongside their more healthy counterparts. [color=00aeef]"Anyway, we'd better get started I guess."[/color] She said as she walked over to what seemed to be the living room area, taking a seat on the ottoman and waiting for the others to join her before continuing. [color=00aeef]"Right!"[/color] After a few moments of making herself comfy, she smiled at them as she reached into her rucksack and pulled out the manila folder, opening it out in front of her so that they could see its contents. She'd added a few notes here and there in her messy handwriting, although most of it was probably illegible to anyone but Brie. [color=00aeef]"So, and don't ask me why,"[/color] She emphasised, knowing that they would likely be as surprised as she had been. [color=00aeef]"But Powers asked me to head up a mission to help find these guys..."[/color] She pointed to two pictures, presumably taken on their first day at HERO One, of the missing heroes. Brianna seemed to have either forgotten or be ignoring the fact that she'd invited them here to discuss party planning and continued on regardless of this. [color=00aeef]"They went missing in lower Brookside and Powers is pretty sure that it's the Guglianos who are behind it."[/color] Again she gestured to some of the paperwork that gave further information on Vinnie and his cohorts. [color=00aeef]"They usually operate in Watervale so I'm not entirely sure why they've been stepping into Brookside territory but...anyway, he wants us to find out whats happened to them, and what that asshole Vinnie is up to."[/color] Looking up at them, she waiting to see if they had any questions before continuing. [color=00aeef]"Also, ICOSA can't know about this because they're...well, they're dicks. So no blabbing to anyone."[/color] Brie let out a breath as she finished, seeming glad that she had gotten that over with. Shooting them a grin, she reached down for the popcorn again, [color=00aeef]"So, all we've got to do now is plan this thing!"[/color] [i]A tedious amount of time later...[/i] [color=00aeef]"Alright. So just to go over it once more..."[/color] Brie was now sat cross-legged on the floor, sipping on some zero-calorie soda and looking like she was bored out of her mind. [color=00aeef]"Me and Patty will go speak to my contacts in Brookside and try to get some more information on the Guglianos & their movements. Tom and Angelica - you guys will go scope out Bateman Turnpike where Thundering Whisper..."[/color] She paused to laugh for a moment, nearly choking on her soda. [color=00aeef]"Sorry, I just find that name funny for some reason! Anyway, where Thundering Whisper went missing, and see if there are any clues about why or where they might have taken him. Just be careful though, the turnpikes okay but I still wouldn't hang about there longer than necessary."[/color] Gathering up the documents and photographs that were now strewn across Angelicas coffee table, she roughly put them back inside the folder. As she stood up from her seat, she stretched her arms above her head in a movement that eased her now stiff muscles, happy that they had gotten the tedious planning out of the way. [color=00aeef]"Oh, I got us these as well!"[/color] Leaning over to her bag, she pulled out four rather cheap-looking phones, tossing one to each of them. [color=00aeef]"I'll send Powers the bill for them later."[/color] [@Infinite Cosmos] [@KaijuBaragon] [@canaryrose] [@Amethyst]