[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjAxZTkwYS5UM3A2YVdVZ1UyaGhkdywsLjA,/staypuft.medium.png[/img] [color=8dc73f]Location: Nowhere, USA > Near Town Center (Sunset) || Interactions: [@Zyshi][@BenG85][/color][/center] As soon as the squad car came into view, Ozzie and Steven knew what had to be done. Luckily they were well versed in culture and science, or at least how they are portrayed in films. As the hairs on their arms stood on end, an electrical surge of warning coursed through their body, triggering their educated instinct. The two immediately froze in place, knowing that if they were still enough, they could be rendered invisible to the naked eye. Where before people could see a hairy man sporting a beanie and a worn white t-shirt covered by a denim jacket standing beside his bald faced companion decked out in a dark red jumpsuit, now they could see nothing, according to the science. “Ma’am, are these gentleman bothering you?” called out the Deputy Holtz. [i]Not still enough,[/i] Ozzie immediately concluded. [i] He can still sort of see us...[/i] To aid in his concentration, Ozzie took a deep breath and held it. Steve, hearing the gasp, quickly followed suit. Their already glossy eyes began to gradually puff as tears slowly formed, barely being contained by their eyelids. Their pale complexion became rosy as the conversation continued without them. "So, where are we all going? Mustn’t go about lying to the local authorities, after all...” Agent Brand, FBI Agent, asked before exchanging introductions with Ms. Gataki, Beautiful Stranger. The pressure was becoming too much to bear as his reserve oxygen seemed just about depleted. Ozzie began feeling lightheaded and nauseous while horrified and panicked at the same time. It was time to become visible again. In a crow of defeat, Ozzie gasped once more in a desperate attempt to refill his lungs. His body suddenly felt too heavy as he leaned over, bracing himself on his bent knees, feverishly breathing to catch his wind once more. Just then the woman turned and looked right at him. Time stopped for a moment as his bad, sickening nausea turned into a happy butterfly type of nausea. Her angelic voice fluttered out of her mouth with the grace of a swan, swimming delicately to his ears, caressing them with her velvet words... "I don't carry cash, sorry." And then she turned away once more. Ozzie's chest sank, his mouth gaping in utter dumbfoundedness, unable to conceive of any sort of appropriate reaction. His heart dropped so hard that he felt like he could hear it hit the ground with a thud. A pretty heavy thud, as if it were coming from just behind him. With a cautious turn, Ozzie looked over to see an unconscious Steve who was now back to being visible as well, though it didn't look like a planned revelation. Snapping back to the woman and the FBI Agent, Ozzie finally spoke. "[color=8dc73f]That's..! I mean, I'm not- [i]Ugh[/i]![/color]" The words were frustratingly hard to come by. "[color=8dc73f]WE DON'T SELL... CASH... wait- Sorry for, um. My name is Ozzie! [i]YES!!![/i] My name is Ozzie and this is my friend Steve. He might be dead. But, I mean, it's cool though. We're not that close.[/color]" Ozzie looked at the limp body. The chest could be seen moving in a rhythm which brought a relieved smirk to Oz. "[color=8dc73f]Ya! See, I keep telling him you can't stay invisible for too long. Heh. He's not the sharpest lightbulb in the toolshed.[/color]"