Well that was not information that Darin particularly wanted to know. She supposed that it was good that she now knew. Though she had to wonder if that meant that Councilman Malane’s friendless was because he already knew who she was or if he was friendly to everyone that was new to Lihaelin. She wasn’t sure there was a way to be sure. She had to wonder the same thing about Mr. Armin. Was there another reason why he taught her all the bows? She wasn’t sure that she wanted to wonder. She wanted to have faith in the goodness of people’s nature. That seemed a bit naive, but it seemed better than being automatically suspicious of everybody. Speaking of Mr. Armin, he led them to a building and through to an open room with a glass ceiling. There were seven people sitting in chairs on an elevated dais. They were in various states of dress that implied that they had rushed here straight from their beds. Darin recognized Councilman Malane and it wasn’t hard to figure out they were the other Council members. Other people were joining them being led by people Darin figured were aides like Mr. Armin. There was a good mix of humans, Elves, and Sirens. There weren’t a small number of them, but there were enough to fill the room. A tall woman stood up from the center chair, “I am President Lilain Silen. We have reasons to believe that one of you is The Seed-Bearer of Astra. We would like to know which one of you it is. Seed-Bearer Darin, please step forward.” Darin forced herself to remain still. She didn’t know what to say. If they really knew who she was they weren’t acting like it. She supposed that meant the next move was hers. She wasn’t sure she knew what the next move should be. There were so many options and unless someone else stepped forward to claim the title suspicion would always be on the people in the room, save the Council of the Seven Winds and their aides. Though it would not be good if someone else tried to claim the title. Darin wasn’t sure she knew what Astra would do to someone that claimed to be The Seed-Bearer. There were too many choices and possibilities. Before Darin could decide what to do a male Siren stepped forward with fire in his eyes, “This is ridiculous! The Seed-Bearer is here, there is no doubt of that. That does not mean he wants to be known. There are a multitude of reasons for him to come to Lihaelin, your hospitality to outsiders, the busy market, the archives. I do sincerely doubt that he wants to be known. If he did all of Astra would know this Darin by now.” A raven-haired human snapped at the Siren, “We don’t even know that they are male! They could be a she. No in Astra knows anything about them except perhaps the Workers at The Farm. Now we know that their name is Darin, but other than that everything about them is still a mystery.” An Azurei Elf stepped joined the discussion, “Do we have a right to know? Doesn’t all of Astra have a right to know? The Seed-Bearer is important to all of Astra. Secrets will do us no good. We should us this opportunity to discover more about them.” Darin found herself stepping forward to speak, “Does it matter if the Children of Astra want to know? The Seed-Bearer has chosen to remain anonymous. We should respect that.” A different Siren from the first one scoffed. “The Azurei is right. We have a right to know.” Another Elf that Darin thought might be an Orosi scoffed, “And what would we do with said knowledge? Welcome them into our cities? Provide them with traveling trains? We don’t even know what The Seed-Bearer’s plans are planting The Seed. Can we guarantee that we won’t get in the way?” Things were about to get out of hand, but President Silen raised her voice, “Enough! There will order in the Council room.” She eyed the visitors with hard eyes, “Does anyone have any thing to add in a peaceable manner?”