Application [hider=sample] Ozaku staggered onto the sandy shore, his clothes torn and tattered, his body worn and weary. He had no idea how long he had been walking, but he knew that by now his mother and brother would be worried about him. No doubt Ayako had recounted the tale to Tomaru. He stared out at the watery horizon, the sky the deep purple of twilight. The sun had just about fallen, but that was at his back. Now, all he could see were the lazuli ocean waves crashing against the pale coastline; all he could hear was the gentle hiss of the water swelling and receding. He stood just at the water line, but each wave, no matter how small, dragged him closer to the ocean, even if only a millimeter at a time. It was ironic; a man who planted his feet and refused to move would inevitably be drawn into the ocean’s currents. Such was the power of the ocean, such was the power of time. Then, with a howl that seemed to contain all the fury he had bottled away his entire life, he called out to the sea. “Eleanor! Come show yourself to me!” There was an eerie silence as he waited for a reply; neither the swishing of the water or the swirling of the coastal winds reached his ear. Then, there was a titanic crash of water that toppled Ozaku like a piece of driftwood. The salty liquid filled his mouth, and although the force of the wave had knocked the wind out of him, he dared not breathe lest his fill his lungs with fluid and seal his demise. But, despite all of its force, there was no god in that wave. Soggy and dripping, staggering and sputtering, Ozaku rose to his feet and called out once again, “Show yourself to me or else I’ll fill your waters with a toxin the likes of which this world has never see! Hear me, or see your precious ocean wither away and die!” The horizon began to swell, and another wave that towered above the previous one rolled towards the shore with enough force to shatter the kitsune’s insignificant frame. And yet, Ozaku stared the wave down, unflinching, free of all fear. Then, just before the mountain of water annihilated the mortal, it came to a sudden stop, a single massive eye glowing in the core of it all. This was Eleanor the Squid, a creature whose true form was as massive as the sea itself. [/hider] Electric Pokemon