I thought it was alright, but to be honest, I cant even remember why I had picked it in the first place, haha. I just felt like rebranding, so I did ^^ Now I have to make myself a new avatar/sig set though, so I'll be doing that when I find the time to throw something together. And that depends heavily where you live in my state. I live in a city up in the mountains that's pretty isolated from everywhere else, so the job market is slim pickings to begin with. There are very few companies, most of them with small teams, and they rarely hire because the positions are so desirable, most people who snag them don't leave until they retire. I only had one sort-of lead for a job that technically doesn't even exist right now, and I'm not sure if that's still up for grabs or not. I'm planning to email the guy who told me about it, but if they've delayed hiring because of the virus, I have no other prospects because no other firms are hiring junior designers right now. It's a hyper competitive market EDIT: Side note: My husband and I were considering moving to a big city if neither of us could get jobs, but he got hired at a solar power company, so that's why this is the only place I can look for jobs. My backup plan is to teach myself some miscellaneous skills to make money on the side until I can hopefully get something in my field.