[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190325/1c87e052d952d3c59cc590ea2d7a3647.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/4442323ac2c19c06fe3c145ee4376ab1d6ae35c8/68747470733a2f2f37382e6d656469612e74756d626c722e636f6d2f36646238376466346561636466616638643431373431343164353865363135392f74756d626c725f6f61756c776d74446439317638717031306f315f3530302e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img][/center] That was not how Emilia envisioned getting confirmation of her worst fears of this trip. Yes, seeing Katie stirred up some very negative emotions, but at least there was hope that things could be set aside there. Hope that they could at least maybe, faintly, talk through some things without Emilia breaking down like a Zambian wristwatch, but Katie had mostly left her alone since Emilia arrived on the scene. It was something she was grateful for. However, she also knew Val would likely be an issue. She just didn't know it would be such an issue for AJ. The poor boy. She didn't know what exactly Val did to him, but judging from the way he fell to the ground, it had to be something completely disorienting and painful. Josie tried to pawn the task of giving Valeria her beverage onto Emilia, but the blonde had other ideas at the moment. Besides, one of them could leave the strawberry frappe in the middle of the pavement for Val to claim whenever she calmed herself down. Instead, Emilia was more focused on the injured party. With Josie being designated to hold Sami's jacket, it was more imperative that one of them tend to the wounded. Although one could always stop for more compliments, especially when they come from someone as lovely as Chloe. [color=ffff1e]"Lolo, you are too kind! In more ways than one! And Nainai's baozi is still the best in Los Angeles!"[/color] Emilia quickly finished her chosen bun before grabbing a couple of the drinks that her and Josie still had control over. [color=ffff1e]"Josie, you saw her right?"[/color] she whispered to her best friend. [color=ffff1e]"Right now, me trying to hand Val a drink would be like having Lady Gaga in her meat dress trying to feed a starving tiger. I know that won't end well. Besides,"[/color] she looked over at AJ. [color=ffff1e]"I think I can be more useful elsewhere. Guard the rest of the drinks for a sec, OK?"[/color] Emilia took one of her spare orange sodas and AJ's drink order to the now fallen man who looked like he was experiencing a pain that she would never understand. If nothing else, Emilia had enough experience tending to Sami's battle scars to at least offer some comfort. Aleks would do what he could, but he didn't have drinks. [color=ffff1e]"Hey AJ!"[/color] she said, probably a little too cheerily given the situation. [color=ffff1e]"Thanks for inviting me on the trip! Are you all right? Do you need some ice? I don't really have any but this soda is still nice and cold! Plus I have your drink right here! Maybe that will help?"[/color]