A playful smile appeared upon the Emperor’s face. It seemed that he still found Rohaan’s continued defiance to be amusing. “Even an old dog can learn new tricks with enough perseverance and a willful master. Yet, I am not looking for blind loyalty and you have your own ways to ensure that I keep my end of the bargain. As I said before - we remain equals in this partnership.” “Underestimate you? Perhaps. Still, I knew most of what I was getting myself into. I wouldn’t be in the position that I am now if I was prone to make rash or foolish decisions. You’ve already managed to surprise me in a variety of ways so far, and very few that I’ve encountered have ever done the same.” “For now, it would be for the best to check your arrogance. Thoburas is not one to be taken lightly. Besides, I’d much prefer him dead than you.” That last warning wasn’t lost upon Ash at all. She didn’t know much about necromancy, or much about magic at all really. What did she really know about the danger than Thoburas posed to her and everyone else? Nothing, and that remained painfully clear to her. But it didn’t matter. She had never spent a second of her life second guessing herself, or wallowing in self-pity about something that didn’t seem possible at first. For better or for worse Ash was the kind of girl that left caution in the wind. Moreover, she didn’t have much choice in the matter this time around. The faces of Lord Cassander and all the people whom she had grown with were flashing through her mind. “I’ll kill him.” The words were few and simple, but the delivery contained so much more. As each word left Ash’s lips, they were spoken with such venom that almost any man would have reeled back in shock. There was also a commanding aura to it, revealing without question, her true heritage. It wasn’t a thoughtless statement, nor was it something as bland or meaningless as a promise that she was making to all who listened. No, it was spoken in such a way that Thoburas’ death was a certainty. No matter the challenge that would have to be overcome, Ash would do anything to ensure the death of the wayward elf. Her gaze was intense and directed at the Emperor, the only man with the same eyes as hers. It went without saying that the Emperor was no normal man, and he didn’t so much as budged in the presence of Ash as any lesser man would have if they were to have the misfortune of taking his place. Of course, it was easily noticed by anyone watching that the Emperor was clearly quite pleased by this sudden change in his daughter’s persona. It seemed that he had some words for Ash, but he ended up holding onto them while they both were still in the presence of Rohaan. “Dead is dead. This is no competition - it is only important that the elf is relieved of his pitiful existence. All that I can ask from you is to avoid putting yourself in harm’s way.” A touching response from the man that was Ash’s true father. Or it would be if she hadn’t known that this concern was only due to the fact that she continued to remain expressly useful to his future plans. At least there would be no love lost between father and daughter. “Once this affair is dealt with, there will be much for the two of us to discuss. About your future and the future of the Empire.” With that said, the Emperor turned his attention away from his daughter to face Rohaan. “As for you… I must admit that I have other tasks that would be perfect for your skill set. Of course, that is a discussion for another day. It’s best for all if focus is placed on the challenge that is currently in front of us.” “Once Thoburas is dead, contact me with the ring like you are doing now. I’ll have further instructions for the both of you then.” With that, the Emperor removed the ring from his hand and his image finally dissipated. The warm burning sensation that the ring had been emitting to Ash also went away. Without a second thought, Ash took her ring off and threaded it through a long, thin leather strap to create a makeshift necklace. It was probably for the best to keep the magical item secure for the time being. This also allowed her the opportunity to remove her hand from Rohaan’s shoulder, which was a good thing, considering that her arm was beginning to cramp. Ash immediately went to her feet, running her fingers through her hair in an exasperated sigh. “Why the fuck couldn’t I have been the bastard daughter of a farmer?” The outburst stood in stark contrast to the demeanor that she had only moments before, though it was ultimately directed at no one in particular. Realizing that Rohaan was still present to silently judge her, Ash managed to quickly regain her composure. With a little craftsmanship, she managed to fashion what would serve as a torch once lit. Without question, the tunnels were far too dark to make your way through without using artificial light. There were lanterns that lined the walls, but they had to be manually lit to be of much use. Obviously, that would be their indication that they were getting close to where the cult was operating at. She knew what chamber that they needed to get to, but there was a maze of tunnels to navigate first. “Um, do me a favor and don’t change into anything that weird, okay?” Despite it being intended to be humorous, it was honestly a sincere request coming from Ash. Without waiting for a serious reply, she took one last look at Durgan Fortress in the distance, and ventured forward into the hidden entrance that would lead them into the belly of the beast.