[@Guy0fV4lor] [@Dark Light] [color=red][b]RESHY[/b][/color] The dispute between siblings left Reshy exactly where he started at; in a a small, humid room with an elderly goblin sleeping on the cold and filthy ground. It was quite the morning for this newborn. Whether it was his building hunger, pent up frustration, or plain old goblin stupidity, Reshy gave the elder's backside a good kick. It took a few good seconds before a loud moan bellowed from the [url=https://i.imgur.com/d93APfd.jpg?1]Elder Goblin[/url]. Slowly getting up, beneath his tattered robes, was a large gnarled wooden staff; he used it to get himself up as he turned towards the newborn. If the difference in size wasn't noticeable at first, it was hard denying it now. His musk grew more pungent and was potent enough to cause Reshy's eyes to water. The elderly goblin spent a few minutes scratching his head, back, and belly before speaking. His eyes remained closed and his words appeared mumbles, but his voice was deep and powerful. [b]"By my beards."[/b] he grumbled. [b]"I, Gobbie, regularly cross the suspended lake while holding my breath. I climb the spear point once a year with my hands tied behind my back. I sometimes run a quintuple marathon through the everlasting hurricane. But the truth is, my good friends..."[/b] his speech trailed for a few moments. [b]"Never do I feel as alive as when I see a new generation of goblins!"[/b] Reshy stood confused as he was clueless to what the older goblin was trying to say. As fantastical as his claims may be, to Reshy, no words were being heard. It was but a salad of sounds; you could say that it was as if it was a whole different language. Not waiting for a response from the goblin child, Gobbie swiftly grabbed the young goblin by his bleeding leg, before lifting him into the air. The elder's grip was not painful, but gave off a tingle. Bringing Reshy higher, to the level of his eyes, the older goblin whispered a single word, before dropping the goblin down to ground. [b]"Hunt."[/b] Seemingly compelled to listen, Reshy slowly got up, and without a work, quietly left the cavern. It took him a while to notice, but his bleeding wound was completely healed. As for Gobbie, he went back to sleep. [HIDER=OOC]Just to clear things up, aside from the word Gobbie, Reshy didn't understand a thing. After hearing Gobbie's command, he was left in a trance-like state and it was only lifted after he distanced himself from the cavern. For your encounter, join up with Cull. He's up against 2 monsters. He could use the help.[/HIDER] [hr][color=red][b]CULL[/b][/color] And so as the sun signaled a new day by spilling it's golden guts across the horizon, the young goblins began to stir. One of the many greenskins was Cull, and he wasted little to no time as his hunger waited for no one; not even himself. Rustling through the bush-filled forest, he found himself a clearing, where a small [url=https://i.imgur.com/4Kkvu9A.jpg?1]Brown Stoat[/url] was hopping after a [url=https://i.imgur.com/1Raq9SI.jpg]Horned Rabbit[/url]. It wasn't long until the rabbit was tired out. It was a wonder the stoat could even hunt it. This rabbit was obviously the larger of the two. As Cull watched on, the stoat began to choke the rabbit by biting its throat, causing the it to thrash in distress. [HIDER=OOC]A rolled a double encounter, but fortunately they're preoccupied with each other. The rabbit is over a foot tall in height with its horn being half a foot in length. The stoat is half the rabbits size, but is longer, spanning around 2 feet. They aren't aware that Cull is nearby.[/HIDER]