[center][h2]World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth[/h2][h3]Saturday, July 16th, 2500 Angel vs Bonizo[/h3][/center] It was a break neck assault on both ends, a fitting end to the second round of the tournament. Two relatively unknown fighters, sure, but the fastest match so far. Matches like these didn't happen in the first round, not normally. To the untrained eye, the match was completely even. To a careful eye, Bonizo was winning; after all, he was moving faster. But to an expert, it was easy to see; Angela was winning. She wasn't as fast, but she made up for it in attack power and stamina. She was small, but powerful. [hider=Results] Bonizo's Attack: No roll necessary. Angela's Attack: [url]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18878[/url] [b]Angela[/b] avoids and blocks all damage from Bonizo but takes 14 damage from exhaustion. She has 64 health remaining. [b]Bonizo[/b] takes 19 damage from Angela's counter attacks. He collapses after taking 10 damage from exhaustion. [/hider] When their fists stopped flying, Bonizo could barely stand. Sure, Angela showed bruises and bumps, but Bonizo looked like he just walked away from a car wreck. And then, he fell, to his knees, then right on his face. He was out cold. The crowd cheered as medics rushed onto the arena. They held up a thumb as a sign that he would be fine, then took him away. As they marched him off stage, the referee held Angela's hand in the air. It was a surreal experience.