[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/980536043923181638/unknown.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=E3485D][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ifrise Forest, Sovereignty of Dryadalis[/right][/sub][/color][hr] Pythia rolled her eyes at the remark. Clearly she had gotten under the do-nothing's skin. “Good.” She thought, though she couldn’t help but think about the implications of the blonde’s uppity, almost authoritarian nature. She already was suspicious of her and thought her less capable than Zestasia after less than an hour of journeying through a forest with her. She spoke a lot despite not providing much in the field of competency. If pointing out Pythia's age was the only chiding, patronizing thing she could say it surely meant that she didn't like that one of the women in the group had any innate talent to begin with, or at least that was what Pythia imagined. She thought of her comments about being a veteran strategist and the other clues she had given Pythia over their time together. She had initially thought the mud-covered, cloak-covered uniform was a disguise to blend in, but she began to wonder if such a theory was even remotely accurate. They were thirteen years removed from the destruction of the Eileithyia and the Ecclesiae’s supremacy over magic and society finalized. Etoile pretended to be a veteran strategist and she was far too young to have been on board the Eileithyia as a commander for the magi guilds, let alone a survivor. She was grandstanding. Trying to reclaim her pride. She smelled a stink on her and Pythia looked back, hand gripping her sword. Was she being paranoid again like her late mentor said? Her eyes flickered with ether, [color=E3485D]“The only strategists I know are inquisitors.”[/color] Before she or Etoile could respond, the blonde obviously whispering to Clara in earnest, there came another voice. [color=dodgerblue]“Let's all focus on the task at hand, alright? This wood witch will kill us fine, no need for us to beat her to the task.”[/color] Pythia sighed, supposing Laz was right. She almost forgot he was still with them, considering how quiet he had become since they had disembarked from the barge. “Whatever” She managed, turning back to the front of the line. [color=E3485D]“Whatever. Pagonia, are you good guarding the left?”[/color] [/indent] [/indent][/indent]