POTENTIAL 1 “It’s a job.” Sara crosses her arms, almost protectively. For a moment, she considers leaving it at that. If she keeps things close to her chest, she can’t be hurt. But Locker has seen her at her lowest and didn’t give up on her. Let her drag him into danger, trusted her to save him and Angel from Vicki. If she can trust Euna, and it works, it does... she can trust Locker. “A job means you have security. And part of that is making sure people pay attention to you. Hate mail and love letters and begging for feet pics are all ways of saying: [i]we see you. You won’t fall through the cracks again. You’re loud enough.[/i] And, yeah, it’s intense. But it’s better than the alternative.” She takes a long, slightly shaky breath. “You know, for a while, I did magtrain work? It was super illegal, but I faked my ID, said I was 16, and got the job. It’s garbage. It’s a garbage job that made me want to cry every night. And that’s what keeps me going. I do this so I never, [i]ever,[/i] have to do that again. That’s where I get the energy, Locks. It’s desperation. It’s me clawing at the top as everything tries to drag me down.” Time for things to be About Sara Now! “And now that I’ve hit the big leagues... I don’t know what to do with myself. Do I sign on and become some megacorp champ? Do I keep throwing myself at problems until the day Euna isn’t there to pull me off the moon and I become a beautiful, sexy supercorpse? Or do I retire and immediately kill myself out of boredom?”