Kile raised an eyebrow and his sunglasses when said Elijah Mendez walked over. He could almost feel the excitement rolling off of the youth as he stepped to the back of the truck with his bags. The young man momentarily thought of reconsidering his offer to host for the next academic year, but then he shook his head slightly and dropped his sunglasses back down onto the bridge of his nose. Despite his current state of affairs, he was also looking forward to having a housemate again. "[color=8dc73f]Welcome to Safiya Sands[/color]," he said cheerfully. He closed the notebook and tucked it into the pocket on the driver's side door. "[color=8dc73f]We're open all year round with some of the best weather you'll find in this area of the ocean. Temperatures remain toasty, the sun is bright, the rain is warm, and the water is cool. Best place to be if you want a nice, quiet retreat. Also, it's clean. Safiya Sands is rated to have the lowest level of pollution across all of the islands of the band and we like to keep it that way so mind where your trash gets put.[/color]" He checked his watch and then held out his right hand to shake. "[color=8dc73f]I'm Kile Inoith. My place is about thirty minutes off to the south west from here so we should get something to eat here before we go. Have you eaten yet? The sandwich shops here opened about an hour ago, if you're hungry.[/color]"