Aya was taken aback by her sister's response. Why was she stammering? And what did she mean by 'low-level job'? The entire plan hinged off it... And go together?! Why would Ragi want to work so closely with Aya, wouldn't that reduce efficiency and hinder Ragi's plans? Aya's mind raced as she tried to figure out her sister's intentions. Understanding people was hard, damn it! Wait. What if this was a test? If Ragi was truly planning on establishing herself as ruler of the goblins, then it only made sense that she would want to test her subjects and with Bug lying exhausted in a hole and Twig nowhere to be seen that only left Aya for her to test. Yeah, now that Aya thought about it her sister presenting a third option had clearly been a calculated suggestion on her part. Not only would it allow her to see how Aya adapted to unforeseen circumstances, but it would put Ragi in a position to closely observe Aya and get a feel for her skills and capabilities. Now beginning to see a clearer picture as to the extent of her sister's brilliance, Aya felt her grin grow somehow wider still, as her panic kicked up by an order of magnitude and she wondered just how many steps ahead of her Ragi truly was. [color=7d8c81]"Ahh... good suggestion sister..."[/color], Aya began. Shit, there was no way she was going to prove her worth to Ragi sounding so unconfident. Why did communicating have to be so hard? [color=7d8c81]"I think we should bring the mushroom sloth thingy with us for now, I'm not sure how difficult it would be to try and explain agriculture to the others..."[/color], Aya suggested, hoping to show that she was thinking things through, [color=7d8c81]"And I'll also collect any good sticks we see on the way as well..."[/color]. Had she forgotten about anything? Sure felt like it, but Aya couldn't think of anything at that moment and waiting around would bring its own set of problems, so Aya instead considered which direction they should search in. Anything of interest in the direction Ragi had gone would have already been spotted by her sister, Aya didn't trust Twig not to have scared off any potential prey near him and she hadn't seen anything while walking from the cave, which only left one direction for the duo to explore. With that in mind, Aya wordlessly set out. She'd intended to seem confident in her silence but immediately regretted the decision, realising that it probably just made her look bad at communicating instead, not that that was an unfair assessment... [@Celsius]