[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DeadlyTintedIsabellinewheatear-size_restricted.gif[/img] [i]Location: The Mutant Underground HQ - Above Ground, -> Training Room. Skills: [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie stopped for a moment when Jack got his attention, she looked down at her phone with the text that Veil had sent and what she managed to translate. [color=87d0f2]"Well the Hellfire Club sent some guy named Jinx, and our old friend Ice Queen after an innocent. That's about the gist of what I know, they are at the mall I think."[/color] She answered him, she didn't like the idea at all of seeing someone innocent being recruited by the Hellfire Club at all. She was about to head back up to the surface, when Sunshine turned around and made her way back into the training room. And started to make her way back figuring that it was probably some important information that she needed to know maybe about their mission and leaned herself up against the wall a little bit. Hearing Veil's bit of information about Max establishing some kind of magical connection with her was a little bit disturbing to her, she wasn't sure the full extent of his powers really. And mentioning Scarlet Witch creating a completely different reality was also equally disturbing since she didn't even remember any of this at all. But she decided to focus more on the Max and Leighton issue right now, she didn't trust either of them at all. [color=87d0f2]"You should tell the Harry Potter wannabe and the Elsa Clone, totally not meaning you at all Sapphire. That they were the ones who jumped into bed with the enemy, WHO sent a juiced up hound version of Magik and Vulcan to attack and the hounds were Sinister's thing so kind of bad, also his lab was under a Hellfire Club owned place. Oh and you attacked Luna kind of before you left so pretty shady."[/color] Callie said, and looked over towards Sunshine she hadn't seen her cry before and went over towards her to see if she was okay. [color=87d0f2]"Whats wrong Sunshine?"[/color] Callie asked her.