[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/VPZsK4i.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Sapporo, Japan[/b] Ishin Academy, Near Dorms. April 7th[/color][hr][/right] [indent] [i]Oh no. He'd never meant for this. Not like this.[/i] The bag fell into the cold slush on the ground and Shun moved. His muscles tightened, his adrenaline shot, and he [i]moved.[/i] From one second, he was several feet away, and in a split second afterwards, he was knelt down, offering his senpai his hand to help her up. [color=BEDE79]"Oh no! Senpai, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for you to get hurt!"[/color] Great, now he'd even caused his upperclassman to fall. He'd not even thought that he'd just used his quirk, he was too busy making sure that the girl was okay. He helped her up as she continued talking about Ishin's class layouts, and how her class had been. "Huh. I never knew the school did that." Then again... [hr] [color=red]"I don't want to see another pamphlet from these damn hero programs."[/color] His father tore up multiple glossy pamphlets showcasing Shiketsu, Yuei, Seiai, and Ketsubutsu hero courses. [color=red]"You're doing general studies, getting your mechanics license, and working with me at the garage. That's final."[/color] There'd never been a pamphlet from Ishin Academy. Not a recent pamphlet anyways. When he'd made the snap judgment to leap forward that day on the bridge, catching a girl from another middle school and landing them both safely onto the sidewalk, he'd been reprimanded and dressed down by both the local police and his teacher. But it was after that moment that Kageyama Sensei took him aside and talked to him earnestly. "You made a snap decision that saved that girls life. If that's not heroic, I don't know what is. But you've never shown interest in a hero course, Shun. I think you'd do great in a course like that. You're kind, your quirk can be used to save people..." They'd talked for hours afterward, and by the end of it, Mr. Kageyama had sent Shun's information to multiple schools to get packets. "There's still a chance to apply Shun!" Then his father had found out and destroyed all of the pamphlets from the schools. Shun retired to his room, defeated by the man who'd grown colder and sadder after his mother's death. It had been his grandmother who barged in, holding an old, browned envelope. "This was left for you when you were young, first showing off your quirks. We knew that you had something special dear." Shun opened the envelope to see aged paperwork for Ishin Academy. It was stark. Nothing about activities or different heroes. Just simply: "ISHIN ACADEMY IS WHERE THE NEXT GENERATION OF GREAT HEROES IS BORN." In bold, stark kanji. [color=BEDE79]"Are you sure they'd even accept this? This is...so old."[/color] His grandmother smiled, looking wistfully out the window. "I know they will." [hr] [color=BEDE79]"You're [i]sure[/i] you're okay senpai?"[/color] Shun asked again. He felt horrible that he'd caused her to fall, even if he had never pushed her. He knelt down picking up his paper bag. The slush had made it soggy. He pulled the pineapple from the deteriorating bag, making sure it was okay. He still needed to see his room and prepare for tomorrow. And eat. He definitely needed to get lunch and dinner too! Tomorrow was the real start; the first big day of his career. He had so many people to thank for being here at Ishin, and he promised himself that he would never let any of them down. [/indent]