[@flowersrgr8] [h2]Huladuras - Rejector of Everything[/h2][b][color=darkred]Chapter 0 - A Rude Awakening[/color][/b][hr] You woke up to a certain blast of heat. You were peaceful inside the cocoon of nothingness, but now you were awake. Something awakened you. Some voice, and strange visions that seemed so vivid, yet so distant. In it, you were a warrior. A soldier, fighting in losing battles upon losing battles. Everytime you raise your weapon, you lost something of importance to you. Yet you could not lay your arms down and accept fate. No, your very being rejects that idea. Thus, you opened your eyes once again. Greeting you was the scenery of a colloseum - grand, beautiful in its construction, and full of the scent of death and destruction. As your eyes began to focus, you saw the visage of a gigantic minotaur. On its feet were the corpse of a being that you somehow knew belonged to your race. Its lifeless body was veiled in both darkness and flame, as did yours. You were dazed. Aside from a name, you did not know who you are, or why you are here. All you had, was a cloth tied around your loin, and an oversized polearm that ended with a huge pick on one side, and a hammer on the other. And a seething rage. Noticing you, the minotaur let out a long sigh. [color=darkred]"One prodigal son after another,"[/color] It spat with a tired and disappointed voice. [color=darkred]"So what is it going to be then? If you were to rush headlong into your doom, make sure you do better than your brother!"[/color] The beast taunted as it crushed the skull of your dead kin beneath its hoof. ... What would you do?