Ah. This moment was a long time coming, but it finally happened. And it doesn't always happen to everyone. Despite it almost feeling like something to put on a fake "Congrats, you've become a real roleplayer." checklist/bingo card. But my first RP ghost rose from the grave. (Where one directly addresses you and the RP, after they vanish without word. As opposed to vanishing and returning, while not showing the foresight to speak to your partners in the aftermath.) A whole 11 months later, I got a 8 character reply, and a "Hi". (In fair context, it's a discord RP, so nobodies writing a novella per post.) And mind, I chalk this up as a positive experience. Because I immediately think "Oh, neat. They're still alive." So, hell. Better late and never, I always say. Yes, even [b][i]that[/i][/b] late. [hr] The highlight of my day was someone sending me this. (At almost perfect timing too.) [i]And hey, maybe it can be yours too.[/i] :D [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWi0ADUU0AYAnvN?format=jpg&name=small[/img]