[@Zeroth] Alright, I'll just leave you a message if I see anything out of place. For your questions. 1. Does cooking food remove or change the skills that can be absorbed, and would Goblins have the instincts/knowledge to make fire outside of their human memories? [s][color=ed1c24]Cooking neither changes or removes the skills that can be absorbed. Goblin don't have the instincts/knowledge to make fire or have the means. Flint, rubbing sticks together, or banging stones won't lead to fire.[/color][/s] 2. Would Saito be capable of lugging the carcass back to the cave, or is he exhausted enough that this is a "sit down and eat now" thing? [color=red]I'd say sit down and eat, just because he's alone, but if you wanna bring the carcass to the cave, you can go for it and just eat the berries or something.[/color] 3. If he's able to carry it back to the cave, would it be possible for him to come upon one of the other groups or hunters (while heading back, not after he's already reached the cave) and still have enough energy to help them out (assuming the other player is cool with it)? [color=ed1c24]Uh, you can join up with the other groups or hunters, but Saito would be too hungry to hunt. So he wouldn't be that helpful.[/color]