[Center][hider=Alexander] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200427/85331bc1a7d0c70ba5443c2338452452.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/84/e5/67/84e5670379cc108d5217c329e39c7c80.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] 》[u]B a s i c s[/u] [color=Gold]Full name:[/color] Alexander Drake [color=gold]Age:[/color] 2732 [color=gold]Date of Birth:[/color] 712 BC [color=gold]Gender:[/color] Male [color=gold]Where are you from?:[/color] Orignally, Modern Day Macedonia 》[u]A p p e a r a n c e[/u] [color=gold]Height:[/color] 6 Feet [color=gold]Weight:[/color] 185 lbs [color=gold]Hair Color:[/color] Dark Brown [color=gold]Hair Length:[/color] Short [color=gold]Skin Color:[/color] Fair [color=gold]Eye Color:[/color] Dark Brown [color=gold]Tattoos, Piercings, etc skin markings:[/color] None [hr] [center][color=gold][i]"With humans? Why not? I’m sure they all do the same with the swine, fish, and bovine. Oh and let’s not leave out the spongey white cubes the odd ones eat… Only children play with their food."[/i][/color][/center] 》[u]R e l a t i o n s h i p s[/u] [color=gold]Sexuality:[/color] Questionably Hetero. Exclusively vampires [color=gold]Relationship Status:[/color] Single [color=gold]Any pre-determined friends?:[/color] None of note [color=gold]Siblings' Status:[/color] Argaeus (deceased brother) and Amyntas (deceased sister). [color=gold]Parents' Status:[/color] Peridiccas (Father) and Philippa (Mother) (living) [color=gold]Pets:[/color] None [color=gold]How open is your character to friends from 1 to 10?:[/color] 1 [color=gold]How open is your character to romance from 1 to 10?:[/color] 1 》[u]I n t e r e s t s[/u] [color=gold]Likes:[/color] ✡ His pureblood status. He is very proud of it ✡ New things ✡ Being in the company of other vampires [color=gold]Dislikes:[/color] ✡ Humans, but especially hunters ✡ Peace talks with other factions ✡ Failure from those within his ranks [color=gold]Hobbies:[/color] ✡ Taking walks within his community ✡ Reading ✡ Picking up a new trade or skill. Alexander is currently learning to play billiards ✡ Listening to live orchestra ✡ Playing instruments ✡ Hunting hunters… [color=gold]Skills:[/color] ✡ Close quarters combat ✡ Manipulation ✡ Patience ✡ Leadership. Harsh Leadership [hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6b/e0/f0/6be0f03293a45190564ae5fe24e527ea.jpg[/img][/center] 》[u]P e r s o n a l i t y[/u] Alexander is cutthroat, cold, and devious, but the man upholds a certain level of class. He is anything but friendly, though he can feign kindness to catch one off guard so he can swiftly punch a hole through their chest and leave them for dead. He seeks to enjoy the finer things in life, but also the newer things. Living so long gives breath to a yearning for the new and modern. It is not out of the norm for Alexander to pluck a newly changed vampire from his thralls just to get the chance to learn something. If Alexander is smiling at you, it's probably not a good sign, especially if you're not a vampire. And while we're on this topic yes, Alexander is somewhat disgusted by humans. He even prefers not to drink blood straight from the source. Alexander feels humans are beneath him and that his kind's dependence on them is what holds them back. Alexander enjoys the company of his kind in times of leisure, but would rather work alone. Even alliances are a bit distasteful to him, and that includes with other clans. Despite his aversions, Alexander is willing to do whatever it takes to rid his life of humans, starting with those who murdered his siblings. 》[u]H i s t o r y[/u] Alexander was born during the winter of 712 BC in the northern Macedonia region that was previously known as Paeonia as the second child among three. His brother Argaeus and his sister Amyntas not only grew up alongside Alexander, but the three also ruled the nation for over half a century, taking turns playing the role of king with their mother, father, and a few others who were lucky enough to be a member of their family. With eyes on exploration and furthering their learning of the world, the family set out into the world, watching and engaging with mankind for a few hundred years. Though they had lost their regal titles, the family lived as kings no matter what name their family went by. The Clan of the Sanguine Moon thrived with few obstacles, at least until the first wave of true monster hunters presented themselves to their group. Fear of death was born in the hearts of the clan, and though these humans stood almost no chance, their persistence led to the deaths of several thralls. Relocating only delayed the hunters a few years and these humans only got better at picking off their clan members. Time soon became the greatest weapon of the hunters. Technology advanced and experience built upon itself. Creating a bloodbath out of these hunters would have been easy, but the attention it would bring would go against their way of living. It would only create more people willing to kill members of the clan. They decided to split their clan. Alexander’s parents took half of the clan northeast corner of Europe while the three siblings took the other half across the Atlantic to the New World. Things were looking up for the clan, but the siblings made the decision to maintain a low profile. With other clans popping up across America, the Sanguine Moon found it easy to limit their visibility by living amongst humans in Mills, South Carolina, a small community south of Ember Grove. Argaeus, now going by Argo Drake and Amyntas, now going by Amy Drake grew wary of the advancement of humans at the dawn of the 20th century and grew fearful of the day when the humans would have the means to get rid of their kind. Alexander felt differently. He believed the vampire kind could wipe humans off the planet if they didn’t have to depend on them. He held different beliefs and had often engaged in the abduction of witches and lone werewolves for his private studies. His pride kept his head held high, even as the 21st century poked its head and presented their clan with a hunter organization known as Operation Humanity. At first, the Sanguine Moon engaged in a war within the shadows of society with the hunters. They two groups maintained a stalemate for years until Operation Humanity offered to engage in peace talks in order to come to some kind of agreement. Alexander opposed, but his siblings outvoted him. Argo and Amy decided to leave their brother behind, only to be led into an ambush organized by Operation Humanity. Alexander retaliated by holding zero restraint and taking the entire town of Mills in a night. The clan then attacked every single outpost that had been set up around the town. With the thralls created from operation humanity’s agents, Alexander set up the secured community that Mills is today. Off the grid and fortified. With Alexander as the sole leader of the United States branch of the Sanguine Moon, he seeks nothing but vengeance on those who killed his siblings and he is just ecstatic to know that they set up shop just a drive away. [center][i][color=gold]“Hunters? We did it first and trust me, we do it better.”[/color][/i][/center] 》[u]C l a n[/u] Head of Sanguine Moon located what was previously known as Mills, South Carolina. It is now known to the residents as New Paeonia. 》[u]P u r e b l o o d? [/u] Pureblood [/hider][/center]