[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200420/693950ab72a0f589907bf7a5450e9d84.png[/img] [color=AF9A5A]____________[/color][/center] Hoi’s kicks were truly something to marvel at, and unfortunately Emri couldn’t watch the horned rabbit get launched into orbit from his hunting partner’s devastating attack. Something else took precedence at the moment and that was the prey they had engaged. Hoi’s focus was spent on two of the leading rabbits that foolishly ran in his direction, and it was safe to say that they would likely be taken care of. And even if they weren’t, Hoi could take a hit. There was an odd amount in this litter of horned rabbits, and Emri knew the likelihood of getting them all was minimal. So how would he go about taking out one, or if he was lucky maybe even two of them? The larger one would take the most effort for him. There was also the chance that the rabbits all attacked him at once with those sharp horns. But [i]something[/i] gave him a hunch that they would sort of just, roll over and die? They were similar to the slimes before in that, maybe the goblins weren’t at such a disadvantage. So Emri tunneled his sights on the larger horned rabbit at the rear who had now stood his ground, and the other two who were frantically looking for a route of escape. The small bodied goblin kicked mud forward at the larger rabbit, whether that was to taunt the monster into combat or momentarily distract it was yet to to be seen. Immediately after his advance began, pressing his step hard into the ground and breathing in before shouting once again. This time his hands gripped his whipping stick with killing intent, his momentum pressed him towards the larger rabbit and one of the smaller ones who were frozen in fear. The bristlewood lashed out towards the two with all of the energy the goblin had received from eating the slimes before exhausting every calorie as muscles in his arms tightened and unwound to hopefully wound or kill the fresh meat standing before him. [@ERode]