Immediate guilt hit Mari at the shrine maiden's answer. She watched as she struggled for her breath, Mari's concern growing even greater. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to fluster you." She stepped back to stand next to James, trying to give the maiden some room to breathe. Her comment about them possibly being in an ark away from their reality had Mari's head reeling. She had no clue what that means. That's when she heard the new girl snap next to her. [color=ed1c24]"How the hell do you know what Martha said?"[/color] Mari watched in shock and horror as the girl reached for a knife that seemed to appear out of nowhere. It was like watching a train wreck about to happen. "Woaaaahh... hey let's not get violent, okay?" She didn't know who this Martha person was, she just knew she wasn't ready to watch someone get stabbed today.