[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjg4MjQzMzg4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjc1NjgzMQ@@._V1_.jpg[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location:[/color] Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15) [color=limegreen]Magic:[/color] N/A [hr][hr][/I] [/center] On hearing the announcement, Eliza let her patronus go, putting her wand away, and breathing a sigh of relief. What the Death Eaters were on the train for, she had no idea, but it couldn't be good. Domestic terrorism wasn't below Death Eater's by any means but what were they going to do? Systematically kill every muggleborn on the train, but then, how would they know who to kill? They couldn't just blow everyone up, their precious pureblood lineage would be put in jeopardy if that happened. Something didn't click, but far be it from her capacity to figure out what was going on. None of it sat well with her though, that was for sure. Then, Penny came in, and Eliza flinched for a moment. She wasn;t expecting anybody to show up, short of maybe Aurors to check in on them. She didn't take somebody like Haywood, being a prefect and all, be much for explicitly breaking rules. But if she had a sister, Elize supposed she'd be worried as well, and the Aurors telling her to stay put wouldn't do much to keep her in place. As Flame was kissed, she too found herself blushing, and she mumbled out "[color=limegreen]If that's all it takes to get a kiss from ya' I'd love to show ye' what else I can do.[/color]" She smiled cutely at Penny, but she knew that that wasn;t her best, and was unlikely to woo the most popular girl in the school.