They must’ve all at some point seen footage or heard the stories of downed airships and the spectacular pyro shows they caused. After all they were in the middle of a war and Sam himself could recall watching several videos showing both Rassvet and Vangar warships going down after taking a serious hit from enemy weaponry. Still, nothing compared to actually seeing it in person, and practically standing beneath the collapsing titan. It was strangely beautiful, a magnificent burst of color and sound whose roar could surely be heard for miles. Sam let his DMR fall to his side, the two point sling keeping it from falling into the dirt as he stood in open mouthed awe. Words could not truly describe the scene of death and destruction unfolding before them. The ground shook, and for a moment Sam wondered if he was still drunk and he was imagining the rocks rumble around him until he realized the shockwave had just reached their position shaking the earth beneath their feet. [color=00a651]“Lucky the damn thing didn’t land right on top of us.”[/color] He breathed, tracing the smoke trail with his finger. [color=00a651]“Do you think it was shot down?”[/color] He asked, looking to any of the more knowledgeable squad members. [color=00a651]“I didn’t think we would have anything capable of shooting down a airship that large this far from the frontline, unless that Sappl Springs Marshall was hiding some heavy AA up his sleeve…”[/color] Itching to do something Sam began to pace like a nervous animal, scanning the skies for any parachutes that might’ve survived the deluge of burning wreckage that was landing haphazardly across the petrified forest. The skies were ominously clear of anything not burning, and the flash ruined his night vision moments before. Recalling his thermal optic Sam lifted his rifle, flicking the switch and sweeping it back and forth across the night sky searching, searching. [color=00a651]There!”[/color] He yelled pointing into a patch of darkness. [color=00a651]“I’ve got a live one, two klicks northwest, three-one-two, and another northwest nine-one, maybe three klicks. Both should be touching down soon.”[/color] He kept calling them out when he spotted one, though his estimate of ‘live’ might have been overly optimistic. The skies were clogged by toxic smoke, meaning suffocation would be just a prevalent as impacting a jagged bit of metal. Beyond that who knew what sort of internal injuries might have been suffered from the after shock, or the burns they received from the blast. Nevertheless Sam continued giving out information on the presumed survivors until he could see no more. They were pitifully few he knew, but he jotted down their locations to the best of his memorization capabilities, than as a good soldier should he looked to Galahad for further orders, a sort of eagerness in his stance and eyes as he waited for permission to take action. To do something, anything really as long as it didn’t mean standing there uselessly watching people die.