[center][hr][h2]Yumi[/h2][hr][/center] [color=FF1493]"I … who is Martha"[/color] says Yumi looking at Elle She knows after listening to their conversation the dark skinned girl believes she knows something but she doesn't; not that it matters. Sh hears that she will not be believed and if they allow her to then the girl with the knife will harm her. [color=FF1493]"I do not know why I am viewed as I am but must say that even if I do know more than I am saying it is a proven fact that under torture the victim tells the torturer what satisfices them not the truth. I am like you gathered here in the dark but observation tells me that this isn't a natural world for the sun hasn't moved since I woke; that is not a sun as we know it."[/color] [center][hr][h2]Venus[/h2][hr][/center] Venus moves stealthy through the store she's sure she saw someone enter and nearly jumps out of her skin when a soft voice tells her that they are in the Manager's office so she picks up a can of hair spray thinking she can use it like pepper spray. As she gets closer the manager's office door opens and out steps what at first she thinks what might be a girl till she looks closer. [hider=Ty][img]https://i.gyazo.com/381ed5168593d656e1b871858ca415fb.png[/img][/hider]