Kaze: I'm-a save the busty elf! *Grabs Yinha and drapes her across his shoulders like a scarf, then flees the scene* Vani: MUST PROTECK! *Gets battered by debris as he saves the fallen archer-girl, then flees with her while being pelted by more debris* Yinha: Thanks for saving me! I'm an undead hunter. Kaze: 's cool, or whateva. Vani: I'M ALIIIIIIIIIVE! AND I SAVE GIRL! Kaze: Whups, can't stay here, bruh. *Grabs Yinha and makes sure to hold her by the tiddies, while grabbing Vani's leg and pulling him along the ground as he runs down the alley* Vani: B-bu... HEY! WHAT 'BOUT GIRL I PROTECK!?! Kaze: lol she ded 'enway, nub Yinha: Could you stop groping my breasts? Kaze & Vani: No. [hr]Also, small update for Cecilia. Didn't your mother ever teach you not to touch the stove?