The priestess tightly grasped a bloodied clothe as she felt the entire weight of the night sky upon her shoulders. From a young age, she learned of the five, the old-tongue, and the proper appeasements. She felt forsaken by the gods. A year has passed since the sky raged against the earth and devastated the freeholds unfortunate enough to settle on the lower grounds. The Ketrafans lacked mercy and reason, and when the only recourse was violence, the forces of the united settlements fell before their bronzed weapons. A stranger who spoke the old-tongue carried the lone survivor, and it was a matter of time before the Ketrafans approached upon their position. The stranger spoke a fable that the thane once told, one of far-away paradise, repeating a phrase she had heard uttered from the old fool, "The stars lead to Elysium." It was hardly time to consider such things. All else died or deserted, the burden of leadership fell upon her. It seemed every day, more misfortune manifested. The thane's second son was born healthy but bore the monstrous features of the trolls. People have started to question the divinity of Tekret and had chased one of his priests from the camp as the people thought him loyal to the Ketrafans. The others doubted her leadership, and she could not fault them. Her prayers to the five echoed out and were left unanswered. She obeyed the advice of the foolish thane and shouted her frustrations to the heavens. As she released her emotions, she heard the ever quietest whisper, "The stars lead to Elysium." As her eyes opened, she saw a tranquil grassland and grazing beasts. It was must more simple and not as perfect as the stories, but she could feel what her eyes could not see. There were no trolls or Iskrill, and while she sensed something alien and threatening, it was distant. The soil was fertile, and the animals were gentle. There was a warm, welcoming aura surrounding the island. She tried to find its source but only caught a glimpse of a small, robed figure with a crook. Reaching out towards it, it almost felt as her hand brushed against fur. Her vision was pulled away from the island and back towards her body. It went so quickly that she could only catch faint glimpses, but she could viscerally feel the length of the journey. As her senses returned to the highlands, the presence lingered. It whispered, "Restraint is wisdom, dogma is foolhardy, kindness is divine." Despite her sight returning to normal, her senses have not fully normalized. She shouted, but instead of words, she heard her intentions. Echoing back to her was her true feelings that she had buried. It was a surreal but oddly comforting experience. The friendly whisper left with, "Be aware of yourself and strive each day to be better than the last. You may become doubtful, you may falter, and you might experience hardship, but never shall you be alone. My strength goes with and awakes your own, Leto Delphi." Delphi approached the remnants of the freeholds who gathered around a fire. She held the clothe woven by each settlement and blessed by Tekretian leadership rites, and as all of their eyes rest upon her, she tossed the trinket into the flame. The deadly silence was broken by her voice, "Today, you can follow me or you can not. I will walk towards a new land, Elysium. I recognize that it will not be perfect and that we shall find trials there as well. But it is a tranquil land, and when we arrive, the stars shall welcome us home." Her eyes rested upon the thane's wife, and her tone made her intention clear, "I will do whatever I can to protect and advocate for any person who follows me." [hider=Summary] One year after the end of the great storm, several freeholds banded together against Ketrafa's aggressions. Their forces were slaughtered by the Ketrafans, leaving only one survivor to carry a piece of cloth, a symbol of leadership, to the priestess Delphi. The survivor was brought to the group by a stranger who spoke the old tongue, who was not named but was Nicolas. Delphi is sitting under the night sky pondering recent events, including the above, that the now-dead thane's second son was born with trollish features, and that people began to question Tekret and her leadership. Taking the advice of the thane, she shouts to the stars about her feelings and is given a vision of Elysium, the birthplace of the celestial sheep and a place she considered a myth, and gave her some advice and echoed back her own hidden thoughts to her before dubbing her the first Leto. She returns to the others, burns the cloth that symbolizes her leadership and tells them that she is going to Elysium and anyone is free to follow her or not. She also says she will protect anyone who travels with her, not directly saying but implying she will protect the baby with troll features. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] No MP changed The Leto: is a title that is held by a series of heroes, its current holder can determine heir/s that can willingly take the title upon their death, or perform a ceremony to pass the title to a willing heir. An heir must also open themselves to Sirius as if praying and be accepted by him to receive the title if the previous holder died then it will pass to the next heir in line (as determined by the holder as they assign possible heirs). If it is the ceremony, then the ceremony simply fizzles and nothing happens. If a holder dies without a suitable heir, then there will be no one to carry the title for 72 years before Sirius can appoint a new Leto. Free With Hope Port: Hope's Aegis II: Drawing upon a reservoir of emotional strength, the Leto is resistant to any mental manipulations that will cause them to knowingly act against their true, unmanipulated interests or beliefs. This does not protect someone from manipulating their senses to be unable to see a sword, but it does provide protection against someone compelling to move towards a sword, or compelled to take any action, which they can make a reasonable inference would be dangerous. This protection does not need to be immediate, a person can fall under the influence of an effect that does not initially meet the requirements but once it does, they have the full protection of this title. [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] The Leto: 0 + 2 = 2 [/hider]