[sup][@DeadDrop][@Blizz][/sup] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zOFVfLo.png[/img][/center] To free more mutants? Tilting his skull to the side in confusion, Paulo stepped aside as commanded, as several questions began bouncing around within him. Why did Cartelli have slaves? How long had that been a thing? How had they covered it up? How did these mutants get freed in the first place? If they were free then someone was most definitely dead. That wasn't concerning but where had they come from? What... was he doing? No doubt his family heard about the explosion in the square. There would be panic and questions. Had his panic switch been triggered? Before he even realized it, Paulo had pressed a few command keys into the small console on his suit, and a distorted voice recited to him: [color=39b54a] [sup][i][b]"Employee N̷am͡e̶-- ̵P̧a̴ulo Mi͟e͘reles̢ Current District-- U҉nk̕now̧n̨ Vital Signs-- Blood Pressure, ẕ͜e̡̩̞̩̠r̛̠̟̥̫o̤. Heart rate, ze̠r͘o͎̮̘̠. Oxygen Saturation, ze̖r͓͖̝͖̲͈͝o͏̞̺ͅͅ. Last recorded vital signs indicate possible demise of service employee. Assistance request sent. MEDICAL ETA U҉nk̕now̧n̨. Dispatcher Notified. Notification-- UNREAD. Please move to the nearest safety pod if possible, otherwise, remain in place until MEDICAL can locate you. Go͟͡o̸̶d҉̷̢ ̢̛͜b̶̡͠y̢͠ȩ."[/b][/i][/sup][/color] As the drone of static within the helmet began again, Paulo looked down, then began his awkward shuffle after the mutants, scooping up a piece of something odd on the floor. This would be his example. [color=#53F2D7]"ʜᴇʏ-- *BUBL* Hey! I *GURGLE* Help you,"[/color] Paulo said, catching up to them, with his object in his non-leaking hand. As demonstration, he placed his leaking hand onto the sewer thing, then watched somewhat in awe as it violently deteriorated, sizzling and popping-- as if it had been made of sand, ready to crumble. Paulo stopped to look down at his hand again. The hole. The acid. THUD-- The sound was soft but he knew the noises in the darkened tunnels well. Without waiting for confirmation if he could join the mutants, he told them, [color=#53F2D7]"I *blub* come back. Close the top *gurgle*."[/color] as he turned and shuffled back the way they'd came. He had left the manhole cover open which was wildly irresponsible and could also be a problem for these freedom fighters later. And then he heard a voice from the darkness. [i][b]"Hello?"[/b][/i] Paulo slowed, then came to a halt. He was behind her-- some distance away but he could see her clearly enough. Preceded by the noise a water-cooler makes, he answered her back, as cheerfully as he could, [color=#53F2D7]"Hello."[/color]