[center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/25/00/8c/25008cd46a9a1caa0f968bf201dbae08.gif[/img] [I]Location: North Carolina, The Road Again Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] One moment she was talking to Chiron over Iris Message, then the next thing she knew she blacked out a little bit, her head was spinning badly and her ears were ringing as well. Kristin let out a slight groan as she rubbed a hand over her forehead, and could feel something wet on her hand. She looked down to see that it was actually blood, groaning loudly as Zeke went over to tend to her head wound feeling the wound closing up now. Kristin looked over towards Zeke and nodded towards him, though she wasn't going to use the nectar or ambrosia she had on her for a simple headache right now. Kristin reached out and gently held Leda's hand, seeing the girl was starting to cry and panic getting in the wreck, anyone would after witnessing it. [color=yellow]"Hey, it's alright Leda.."[/color] Kristin said, and went over and gave her a hug, though they weren't really friends she trusted her anyway while on the quest as well. [color=yellow]"Is everyone else right?"[/color] Kristin asked looking at the two of them, and saw the front was pretty banged up and white smoke was coming from the hood of the car now. The driver that they rear ended came out of the car, looking rather angry and pissed off seeing the back of his car was wrecked as well.