[h3]Somewhere Underground[/h3] Thundering Whisper awoke some point later, and he found himself sitting on a hard metal floor in the center of a medium-sized, empty room, like a small storage room in a warehouse. The memories began to flash back to him- the man in the coffee shop, the turncoat civilians, the lightning guns, all of it, coming back, and he quickly came to the realization that he was captured, most likely by the Guglianos. He was the 3rd victim of their kidnapping spree. He then scoffed as he realized that the only thing stopping him, the legendary Thundering Whisper, was a pair of metal doors. As he prepared to charge out of the room and give the silver tongue man a taste of his mind, he ran right into a wall. As he fell back, confused, he looked up to see a glowing wall of lightning of some kind in front of him. The wall was made of some type of blue plasma-like substance and had sprouted out on all four sides around him, leaving him trapped in a sort of energy cage, all connecting to a slab of metal hanging from the ceiling above him. So it turned out whoever had abducted him (likely the Mafia) was [i]not[/i] stupid. Well, it was worth a shot anyway. He heard a noise and turned to the source to see the doors to the room open, and a young girl walked in. Well, maybe not a young girl by normal standards, with the thin girl seemingly in her teens, but considering she was obviously operating with these Gugliano buffoons, she was quite young indeed. She had wavy black hair that fell to her shoulders, and piercing red eyes that seemed to cut through his soul. Outside of this eyes, though, the girl seemed like a pretty normal teen. The teen girl walked over, leaning it towards the energy cage, examining the hero inside. [color=Crimson]"Ooh! A new hero! Father will be so pleased,"[/color] the girl said, giggling as she put her hands in front of her mouth. Thundering Whisper observed the word 'Father' and came to the assumption she was the boss Gugliano's daughter. Strange, he didn't remember Vinnie Gugliano having a daughter... "Listen, girl, you had better let me go. Or else you and everybody else you're working with will be so, so sorry." The girl's response surprised him heavily, though. She simply shrugged, removed a remote control from her pocket, and said,[color=Crimson]"OK."[/color] She tapped a button and the energy walls went away. That easy. [color=Crimson]"Try and escape,"[/color] she said, watching him curiously, like a lab experiment. Some would assume that this obvious trap was a trap, but Thundering Whisper did not. He took a deep breath and unleashed a furious howl. The howl, amplified by this power, sent a wave of bone-shattering sound launching forward, knocking over a shelve of boxes against the wall. However, the girl was faster, and managed to dodge out of the way. [color=Crimson]"Oooh, very interesting power! Father will be content with this one for sure,"[/color] she said, giggling. Thundering Whisper grew angry- who did this girl think she was, dodging his power?- and he lunged at her, bringing his fist at high speed towards her face. Normally an attack from a well-built, experienced hero would be enough to knock somebody out and send them to the ground, but the girl simply blocked with her hand like it was nothing. Thundering Whisper blinked as the girl stared at him again, her gaze darkening. [color=Crimson]"Naughty, naughty,"[/color] she said as she held Thundering Whisper's hand midair. [color=Crimson]"Bad behavior will result in punishment."[/color] She raised her free hand, snapping her fingers, the sound echoing through the room ominously. [color=Crimson]"Good night, hero."[/color] Thundering Whisper saw a red smoke emerge from the girl's body, and the red smoke or powder or whatever it was creeped through the air towards him. He tried to hold his breath, but it was too late, and as he took in the mysterious gas he began to feel terrible, like a virus was quickly destroying him from the inside. HE coughed heavily, hacking like a madman, as he fell to his knees, nausea overwhelming him as his brain started to shut down. The last thing he heard was the girl's soft but malicious giggling before his face hit the ground, and he was out stone-cold again.