More like... Yinha: HEY! HELLOOOO! WE'RE INJURED AND WEAKENED OVER HERE! HIIIII! CAN WE GET HELP? Kaze: Dafuq yu doing, tiddies!? Vani: M-m-m-muh... Muh... Prtoeck.... P-p-rot... Pr-r-rot-t-tek...! Yinha: What? We need help, we're all banged up. Kaze: Yu tink dese guize gonna help us!? Lookit dem, one riding pony! odder weird-mask-bro! Locke: [sub][sub][i][b]I heard that, pleb![/b][/i][/sub][/sub] Artemisia: Oh shi-! More bad guys! SHADOW BALL! SHADOW BALL! SHADOW BALL! Kaze: MOFO! ANODDER NECROCLERIC, FFFFFFFFFFFF~!!! *Fight ensues* [hr] I like how Cecilia is aware of human trafficking... Especially since it's neither illegal nor frowned upon in many parts of the world. Still though, mad props for not wamting to turn in the celestial maiden to horny kings and emperors for quick cash. Especially since, y'know, the [i]celestial maiden[/i] has [b][u]horns[/u][/b] on her head... You know, like a certain race from a very hot and none-too-pleasant place... :P