[@Zeroth] Yeah, going all Kirito would be late. I mean, why even isekai in the first place, right? Uh, not anymore. If he ate the berries and not the shrew, he might have, since he went the other way around, he's kinda safe. He'll find out they're poisonous when someone else eats them. Ah, yeah. Sure. I don't mind. No take backs though. Saito learned...[color=ed1c24]Shell Defense[/color] and [color=ed1c24]Defensive Curl[/color]. [INDENT][b]Shell Defense:[/b] - When using objects made from organic shells, they will have increased defensive power. It makes breaking through their organic defenses. (Passive) [b]Defensive Stance:[/b] - When assuming a defensive stance, the user receives increased defenses against physical attacks. (Active) [/INDENT]