[h3][center][color=lightblue]Wakana[/color] and [color=yellow]Tinkermon[/color][/center][/h3] Wakana was a bit dumbfounded by the guy who almost looked like he was going to flip out and go on a tantrum or something. He... Seemed like he was going to be an issue in resolving this calmly if he kept it up. How annoying. The others... Well, they haven't attack the Wisemon yet though she was half-way worried about the little black dinosaur thing. It looks like its human partner had it under control for now though. Well, at least Wisemon was moving them along now and everyone seemed to go along with it. Well, everyone but the curl haired dumbass. [color=lightblue]"Of course the idiot doesn't want to help the situation at hand."[/color] Wakana sighed as she heard Estelle mentioned exploring the library more. She went into the room with the books, curious about what they looked like. They looked like thick leather-bound grimoires. [color=lightblue]"Hmmm."[/color] Wakana mused as she looked over the ones remaining. [color=lightblue]"Hmmm. How odd."[/color] [color=yellow]"What's odd?"[/color] Tinkermon asked as she rested herself on Wakana's head. [color=yellow]"The books?"[/color] The little pixie joined Wakana in looking over the books. Wakana gave a silent nod as she moved her hand up to her mouth in a thinking pose. [color=lightblue]"Well. The books are a bit odd looking."[/color] One called to her. The one with the diamond shape on it. [color=lightblue]"Not to mention... I find it odd that Wisemon wouldn't know where it is or who took it if he knows what goes on in this library."[/color] She scratched her head and sighed. [color=lightblue]"Obviously, if it's true that Wisemon knows everything in this library, if he doesn't know about it, then it's not here. It's quite likely somewhere else."[/color] Tinkermon's eyes lit up. [color=yellow]"Oh wow, Wakana! You got really smart!"[/color] The small fairy said as she gleefully patted the high-schooler on the head. [color=lightblue]"Huh? N-no... Anyone could figure that much out."[/color] Wakana sighed as the fairy continued her patting. She watched the girl attempt to touch the book earlier and noted there seemed to be no guard against touching it probably. [color=lightblue]"I'm curious who could have got to it before us. Well, it's that or Wisemon is lying to our faces."[/color] The girl continued to muse. Tinkermon gave a forced laugh at something that was an obviously not a joke. [color=yellow]"Hahaha... I don't think that's the case.[/color] [color=lightblue]"Probably.[/color] Wisemon would notice there was no guilt in Wakana. None outwardly at least. There was a bit of agitation, though it seemed like it stemmed more from lack of information than anything about the room. Probably. [color=lightblue]"So, these books can cause a calamity. Bypass natural life cycle, increase power, intake data?"[/color] Wakana said as she tried to put the pieces together. She didn't have enough information on digimon to really say anything. Luckily, Tinkermon was around. The small fairy nonchalantly spoke, [color=yellow]"Huh. Thinking about it, that's kinda like Digivolving, ain't it?"[/color] She pondered aloud before getting that Wakana was confused by that. [color=yellow]"Oh, right, so... You know how we mentioned Wisemon is an Ultimate level Digimon? It's like a stage of a Digimon's life. I'm a Rookie. Petermon is a Champion. There's a clear power divide between stages, ah! But, I can still beat up Petermon when I want to!"[/color] [color=lightblue]"So, the books can be used to force that?"[/color] [color=yellow]"Ahh... Maybe. I don't really want to try it out myself. I'm happy as I am, thank you very much."[/color] [color=lightblue]"So, someone came into Wisemon's library without him knowing and stole a book that can possibly cause Digivolving?"[/color] Wakana questioned aloud. The more and more she thought about it, the more and more this seemed like some fever dream she was concocting in her head. Well, whatever the case, that was the what, why and where. An old looking grimoire because it could possibly cause digivolution in this library. Who though? Likely wasn't Wisemon. Then who? Another human? Wisemon said Digimon can't open it at least. Now she was invested in this mystery. It was like one of her books. [color=lightblue]"Caper in the Digital Library!"[/color] She giggled, electing a raised eyebrow from Tinkermon. [color=lightblue]"Either way, I didn't know that was even a thing... Wisemon.[/color] Wakana got his attention after he was done with the other... pedantic questions. [color=lightblue]"You don't remember there being other guests-visitors-invaders in your library before us? For a time before that book was stolen. Or, perhaps you talked to someone about these before?"[/color]