[quote=@Ruby] As I said in that thread before we did the PW we held a lot of "give us your opinion!" threads and Discord session. It's super inaccurate to say staff didn't want opinions or listen to them. But let us decide if the current one will continue in any way or not. If it doesn't and there's to be another PW we will start soliciting the opinions on PWs again. Just as we did last time. [/quote] I agree. Which is why I didn't say that the staff didn't solicit any opinions regarding setting up the last PW. I was [i]in[/i] the Discord until the Old Republic setting was decided on, and then I quietly bowed out when I realized it wasn't going in a direction I was personally interested in. I'm not getting it twisted and saying that the staff didn't ask for [i]any[/i] advice or player feedback. I'm only referring to this thread that was just deleted, which I wasn't posting in but was following semi-closely. I thought it was an interesting post-mortem, and a lot of people had some good ideas about what they might like to see in the future. I just feel like players should be able to still have those kinds of discussions, even while staff are having their own discussions parallel to ours. There's no harm in us talking. I'm not trying to fight you on this, and I'm not accusing you guys of being tone-deaf the last go around. I just think players should be able to speak out about what might personally move the needle one side or the other for them, because in the end, they're a big part of what will make it thrive.