[quote=@Aqua Regis] For those who havent been banned What notification gets given? Do they get the post/status/action they were banned for or a rule that is cited or linked to? Can other admins view these details if they get asked? I see a lot of people complaining about friends bans etc but its hard to asses when I don't know if they should have been shown exactly what they have been banned for. If someone is saying they dont know what they got banned for and it was actually right there in an email or something that changes how I'd view that complaint. Such a procedure/feature may save you the why was i banned PM (or at least some). [/quote] When I was banned, I hadn't received any PM. I went to an alternate account to message Ruby about it, and I was immediately banned afterward. It was only an hour or so later that I was told my ban would be lifted in 24 hrs. I was given no warning nor a timeframe in which I could view the PM and respond. Mind you, this was because I was joking around about a ban.