[h1][center][color=4286f4][i]Arthur Stanford[/i][/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][img]https://s.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/GLOB/crop/3280x2050+0+121/resize/640x400!/format/jpg/quality/85/https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/73ce8167c00ca1dc68e8468a67c07477/202780896/Photo+Credit+Jordan+Matter.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=4286f4]Location:[/color]Top Deck[/center] [hr] Once Andy was in on starting training, that cemented it for Arthur, now was the time to start. He nodded at Rebecca and said, "[color=4286f4]That sounds like a good idea to me.[/color]" The sooner he mastered his powers, the better. He was still a little emotional after seeing his sister, but hopefully this would help him get his mind off of that, but in all reality, he knew it wouldn't. He practiced with Ash before, and doing this again would just bring all of those memories flooding back to him. The only way out, was to make new memories, and Andy being there would help him do that. Focusing on Rebecca, Arthur tilted his head a bit, "[color=4286f4]So, your mom is the goddess of magic, right?[/color]" He asked, trying to understand the nature of her powers. He didn't know much about that goddess, and he was curious what magic was actually like. "[color=4286f4]What's that give you, is it like Harry Potter?[/color]" He'd read those books before, and he couldn't imagine Rowling actually got things right, unless she herself was a demigod, but that seemed unlikely. That was his only reference point for witches and wizards though, so it was how he had to ask about it. Mostly, he wanted to know how she was qualified to teach this things, but asking about that directly would be rude.