[center][h1][color=39b54a]Gronin[/color][/h1][/center] [center][b]Day 1, Week 1, Cycle 1 Springtime, 20 C°, Sunny[/b][/center] [center]A large gust of wind made its way out and around the hills that made up much of the [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Loch_Long.jpg]terrain [/url] the Gronin's feet stood upon. The group of more than 100 was gathered around a local river, a large one at that. Naked, confused, and some even afraid, they looked upon one another's flesh and knew these were their brothers and sisters but it was unknown as to how they had gotten to this unfamiliar place. Thinking of possible explanations only created more questions, who were they? Why cant they remember anything? Are they alone? A large green skinned Gronin stood upon a boulder and looked down upon the large gathering of new arrivals, he raised his arms and called out to the group. "Brothers and sisters, blood of my blood" his voice resonated in the ears of his fellow Gronin. "I am just as lost as each of you with no memories of my past. Yet I know deep down we are a proud people, an ambitious people who wouldn't waste our precious time trying to remember the long forgotten past. Instead me must seek to rebuild!". He motioned to a younger member of the group standing near the front of the now forming crowd around the boulder. "To build a legacy for our young to remember with ideals to follow! I am Uzuk! First of his name and protector of our people!" The other Gronin discussed between themselves for a moment, some nodding, others snickering and revealing a tusk or two. Another large Gronin with red skin stepped forward towards the boulder, stopping at its base. He looked up to Uzuk and snarled. "Who are you, that I must bow so low? You have not proven yourself worthy as our leader". Silence fell upon the group as what was sounded like a challenge was issued. Uzuk slowly climbed down from the boulder to look his kin in the eye, his back still to the boulder. "I am the first speaker, the one who seeks to unify our people. I will not be questioned by the lesser". Uzuk grabbed a nearby rock sitting atop the boulder while his opponent was distracted, locking eyes with one another. As the red skinned Gronin began to speak his rebuttal, Uzuk threw himself forward onto the other Gronin, rock still in hand. Standing over his opponent he brought the dense, jagged object down upon his opponent's head repeatedly until the impact of the stone onto his enemies skull stopped sounding like a thud but rather a squelch. Uzuk threw the blood stained rock at the feet of the still silent crowd as he climbed off of his opponent, blood and brains scattered across his hands and chest. "I, Uzuk, protector of his people and slayer of our enemies will lead us to greatness. You need only have faith in me". With that the remaining Gronin dropped to their knees and bowed their heads to their first leader. "I grow hungry. I'm sure most of you do too. We must hunt". A smaller framed Gronin picked up the blood stained rock that had been thrown at his feet and approached the boulder. He smashed the brittle edges against the much harder and denser boulder until it formed a long and sharp point. "I am Grazdan, first of his name. I shall make tools of death for the great hunt". Uzuk nodded and picked out the a dozen others from the crowd, mostly smaller framed Gronin and females. "You help Grazdan first of his name make these tools. I expect to hunt by tonight". With that the remaining Gronin moved off to complete other task. Some began building basic primitive shelters, others searched for fertile land where they could eventually till soil and grow crops. Other Gronin moved off to gather wood, long and slender sticks were used for spear hafts while shorter thicker logs were gathered around for the eventual first fire in this new land. Hours later Grazdan approached Uzuk who was aiding his kin in the construction of shelters. "Uzuk, first of his name. The tools are ready, and now you may hunt". He handed Uzuk the two spears that he was holding. Uzuk inspected them closely, observing the haft, blade, and what held it all together. "Far from perfect, but it will do. Hone your craft, continue production of tools and weapons. With time you will become our best. I name you Grazdan, first smith of his people". Grazdan bowed his head and hurried off to continue his work. Uzuk gathered six other unoccupied Gronin and armed them all with spears before the group of seven made their way south in search of food. [h2]The Hunt[/h2] With the group hiding behind a cluster of boulders, Uzuk poked his head out and for the first time saw what would become known as prey to them. A herd of a dozen or so Krollan were slowly making their way through the woods and were a mere 60 feet from their current position. "These are large beast so we must stick together. With just one we should be able to feed all of our people for several days. We cannot let them down". The group slowly crept up towards the rear of the herd using boulders and trees for cover. Less than 20 feet away from the back of the herd, two of the Gronin in the party stood up and threw their spears towards the creatures hind legs throwing all of their weight into it. The first spear went wide and struck a hardwood tree, breaking the tip. The second found its mark and buried itself several inches deep into its right hind leg, just above the heel. The beast cried out in pain and dropped to one leg, clearly confused as to what had just occurred. The five others including Uzuk sprinted from behind cover with their spears raised shouting a war cry as they charged the Krollan. "WAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" was shouted with such anger and ferocity the rest of the herd took off in an attempt to escape. The downed Krollan attempted to make it to its feet and catch up with the rest of the herd but it was too late. The five Gronin had gotten close enough and thrusted their spears into the beast from both sides. None of the blades went deep enough to kill it instantly as the Krollan kicked out its hind leg that was still good into the Gronin behind it who had gone to retrieve his spear embedded into the beast's leg. The unnamed Gronin couldn't even get a word out as his skull was crushed and his face was left a mangled mess upon the forest floor. The other Gronin removed their spears and continued to jab at the beast until one got a lucky strike into it's neck, severing a major artery and killing the beast in seconds. A loud thud resonated throughout the forest as the once mighty beast fell on its side and drew its last breaths. "We are victorious! Gather what you can and we will return home. We will need help gathering the rest of the meat". The men used their stone knives to cut away what they could and carry with their small numbers. After several more hours of travel the returned home with nearly 100 pounds of meat at their backs. A large fire had already been lit and was ready to be cooked upon, it would also make it easier for those who had to gather the rest of the meat to find their way home on the return trip. Wasting no time the Gronin cleaned the meat the best they could and got to work cooking a large feast for all to participate. Uzuk sat upon the same boulder he'd given his speech on earlier as a sort of makeshift throne, a large serving of Krollon meat resting beside him. "To those we lost on this day. Shall they forever be remembered. One as a warrior who gave his life to feed his people. Another as a would be usurper, yet still a brother". Those gathered around the fire shouted in agreement as they stuffed their faces. The next morning when nothing but embers and ash remained of the fire, Uzuk pulled Grazdan aside as the other Gronin went back to work with another small group now cleaning and separating the fresh stockpile of meat, bone, and sinew. "Could you make something more efficient for transportation? Perhaps something which we could exert less energy and transport even more stuff?" Grazdan shrugged and knelt down to the dirt. He drew a circular object in the dirt with a stick. He looked at it for a moment thinking before drawing another one beside it and then a third one in the front. He then drew what looked like wooden bars and flooring on top of the circles. "A wheel" Grazdan said. Uzuk nodded. "Wheel. I like it". Uzuk stood up and went back to his throne and observed his people, the 118 left were all making themselves useful in their own way. The quality of tools and weapons began to improve, nearby soil was being tilled for crops, shelter was being built for everyone to get them out of the elements, and now the wheel was being invented. There was also rumors spreading through the camp that some of the men had begun to experiment with overripe fruits they'd found nearby. It sounded like nonsense to Uzuk but as long as they were being productive it's all that mattered to him. [b]Time Passed:[/b] None, this is the the first day! [b]Time Until Next Turn:[/b] 3 months [b]Events:[/b] The Gronin experienced both their first quarrel between one another and their first leader. They hunted for the first time in this new land and there are several developments underway including the wheel and fermentation. [/center]