Gazing down at the dog Avery raised an eyebrow quizzically. Animals would rarely turn down a free meal... "Uh, fine then. All the more for me." Avery clicked his fingers and the squid creature collapsed into itself seemingly disappearing from reality itself. Eldritch then zealously bit into the bread humming slightly with glee. People rarely gave Avery the time of day so he found it oddly heartwarming to have contact with a creature that was both not trying to kill him and from this dimension. Patting the dog on the head he smiled, back when he was with his family his parents owned a dog that he'd play with in his garden. That was several years of trauma ago and seemed like fairytale in comparison to the life Avery found himself in. One of the shambling creatures approached from behind. The twisted grotesque visage of the being churning Avery's very stomach. Raising a hand a purple orb formed growing from the center of his palm the orb then extended to engulf the creature before shrinking again leaving no evidence of the beast. "I don't like murdering but you gotta do what you gotta do, what am I doing talking to a dog anyway?"