[center][h1][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.gifer.com/I9Me.gif[/img] [I][color=#EEE8AA]Location:[/color][/i] Truck -- The Road [i][color=#EEE8AA]Skills:[/color][/i] [/center] [hr][hr] Ezekiel walked up to the gentleman, hoping he would calm a little bit when he saw it was just a bunch of kids. He looked pretty angry already but Ezekiel just help up his hands. [color=#EEE8AA]"You okay? We got a first aid kit if you need it,"[/color] Ezekiel offered. Behind him he heard Leda start to swear, her accent coming out strong and Ezekiel turned to see her coming at him with her sword. He dropped down and ducked out of the way. [color=#EEE8AA]"The hell Leda?!"[/color] He watched her stab the man in his shoulder then miss an attack from him. That was when he realized that they had crashed into a monster. Well of course, why the hell not. Ezekiel took a step back, ready to jump in if he needed to but he had a feeling Leda wanted to take this one on her own and get some of her anger out. [color=#EEE8AA]"Just let me know if you need to tap out,"[/color] Ezekiel said and just stood and watched this. If only they had a video camera.