Listener felt impressed at just how successful her venture turned out to be. She also felt very guilty over the hurtful words exchanged as a result of it. She could see why people did not like Ruskali's ravings and "premonitions". Everyone was living a mostly peaceful life of luxury. She could also understand why Ruskali was so panicked and alert. Although, she would not have gone the route he did with expressing those concerns. She started slipping through the crowd on the way to the alleyway. She considered the situation as she did. She knew all to well how things could go from great to horrifying all too fast. She was responsible for such an instance. If Archer was one of the non-believers, she definitely had the foresight at least to prepare in the instance she was wrong. Listener really hoped that things stayed good. As Listener gained some distance from Ruskali, she looked back toward the defeated looking man, and she stepped out of the way to stop and take a look at the man. From what she could see, Ruskali was just a man that loved his people. Love them so much that he was willing to be ostracized. How he was housing a Nox and why was confusing for her. Listener took a deep breath before turning back toward the alleyway she was heading to. [color=pink]"Alright, guys I'm almost there. Is it really as bad as was said?"[/color]