"Wow. You've really done your homework, huh?" Errant leans forward in her chair and folds her hands under her chin. And then she's quiet for a long moment, not bothering to keep the frown off her face anymore. She's statue still, hardly seeming to blink or even breathe. Quiet. A moment longer. A moment longer. Just enough for the questioning "Um?" to start up. She sits up again and sighs. "I'm sorry. This is new for me too. Talking, I mean. Like this. I... ugh, I'm really sorry. You should have somebody more, y'know, the kind of person you're worried about having to talk to. Normal. Not... me." She shakes her head, sending her hair tumbling back and forth behind her, and presses the button to fully activate Cinders' new limbs before she's got time to overthink it. "I'm not trying to dodge your question, ok, I've been sitting here trying to think of... you know, a good movie to connect this to, or, or, you know, a show or something. How would High Queen Ourania explain this? Stuff like that. And honestly, I'm flying blind here because I'm pretty sure those prosthetics they've given you are unique. I'm... sure they told you already that those belonged to me? Those are the Mk 0.5s, the prototype trainee limbs I got fitted with after a couple of years of outgrowing child civilian designs. It's important that you understand this, ok? Those are [i]not[/i] designed to give you your normal life back. And they're not a superhero's cybernetics, either. They were designed specifically to train a potential AEGIS candidate, that is, uh... me, to adapt to life with better-than-human cyberware and to gather data on the pilot's physical and neurological responses to combat and superhuman stimuli." Blank stare. A deep sigh. Keep going, Errant. Don't give up on the mission halfway through. "To... to ensure that the full range of response data could be gathered over the trial period, the 0.5s have a special, unalterable subroutine that randomly fluctuates their output in response to commands from... you, you get it, right? For as long as you're wearing those, there will be moments where it's going to feel like you're climbing a mountain or running through water just to get out of bed or walk down the block, and others where you'll try to skip and wind up fifteen feet in the air. On my worst days I had to have somebody else feed me because I would destroy everything I tried to touch, or else I couldn't lift a fork. The only upside is that the custom-fitted limbs they can make with the data these provide can be..." She does her best to smile now. And to her credit, she probably at least gets close. "Well, my recorded best at that stage of my training was 27.6 feet for the high jump. 57.9 horizontal, 745 pound bench press. 1,000 pound force on my hardest punch. But... that's enough of that for now. Stand up, if you can, and tell me how everything feels. We can talk more after that."