The Shield Hero suddenly turned around a deep frown on his face, "I will not play backseat to some child! I will make my own way in this world! Forget this I don't need anything from you, and I will find a way home on my own! I'm tired of being a slave!" the man shouted as he walked out the door as the guards let him through the King frowned in disgust. [color=00a651]"A fool...hey girl don't follow him. I understand it is your choice to follow one of those heroes but I have a feeling that one may not be the one you seek. You're from the church no? For now I suggest following the spear, bow, or sword hero."[/color] King Vincent commanded as he slammed his fist onto his throne. [color=00a651]"I declare that the shield hero will not receive help from the crown until he apologizes for his impudence."[/color] King Vincent declared as Marcino nodded, [color=a187be]"Right gotcha king...besides there was something about him that seemed off."[/color] the man known as Marcino called out as Cole stood there still he gripped his sword tightly as he looked to the king. [color=f7941d]"That isn't very fair my lord."[/color] Cole said as the boy shrugged, [color=00a651]"I warned him once already."[/color] Vincent said as he looked to the sword hero. Rin simply grunted she didn't care one way or another.