[centre][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200412/e763e778f1f0fbad962a0c47f4b9b70b.png[/img][/centre] [color=crimson]"I'll believe it when I see it."[/color] Technology could be fooled. Something about this whole thing felt [i]wrong[/i]. He stopped. That was when he had a feeling. One of his implants. A pattern enhancer. It analysed everything that was going on and drew connections to give Mar's a heightened intuition. A trait that all Praetors possessed. It made them particularly good law enforcement officers. Made them hard to fool. [color=crimson]"Bacchus, where are the Police that you were supposed to be leading away?"[/color] He moved to open a door but paused. His hand hovering over the door handle. [color=crimson]"Something is very wrong. This is all too easy. When was the last time there was a store with everything we just happen to need, as well as it is unguarded?"[/color] He slowly opened the door and leapt to the side to avoid a shotgun blast targeted right where he was standing. He looked to see where it had come from, but couldn't see anything. He felt he knew where it came from, but there was nothing there. Firing his revolver where the shot [i]should[/i] have come from, he saw something strange. The White Phosphorus round smacked right into something, or someone. The glowing white substance spread out over a cloaked figure. The figure shimmering back into view as they screamed as the round burnt through their armour and flesh. [color=crimson]"Active Camo."[/color] Mars trapped his temple, triggering his Holo-Lens to cycle through various view types. [color=crimson]"Trying to find a view that will detect them."[/color] Tapping his temple again, he opened a private channel Diana. [color=crimson]"Next time you want me to relax, run a full spectrum scan. If you don't want to ride in the truck, the least you can do is make sure I don't walk straight into a shotgun blast."[/color]