Neil felt vaguely uncomfortable as he was being revitalized in the enclosed chamber. Certainly it was needed, and he felt "better" in a certain sense every moment. But it still felt odd being pumped full of Gods know what while his blood was being reoxygenated after being out cold for...days? Weeks? If he had been out for any longer than two months he would throw a temper tantrum like he was 12. Not only that, but he was surprised he didn't need to pee badly. If they put a tube in there... "I hope the funeral was lovely," He said, dripping with sarcasm. Junebug likely could hear it in his voice but she answered anyway with a "It had all the trappings of a state funeral. In a way I'm jealous." There was a hiss of air as the automated needles in his arms and body slid out of him and were 'sheathed', and the glass case lifted up to allow him to rise out of the position. As soon as he attempted to, he nearly fell straight onto the floor. Junebug caught him in her impressively toned arms. "Whoa, there. You need to slow down." She said. "You slow down!" He retorted, but it came out tired and almost drunkenly. "You could have warned me about the whole...dying thing." His breathing sounded labored, and she picked him up and carried him through the hall. Taya popped out of one of the rooms with a broad smile on her face. "Neil! Are you ok? How do you- oh!" She tried to whisper the last part, thinking him asleep. She slipped back into her quarters. Junebug carried him into the next room which was the Captain's quarters, placing him on her bed carefully. It was larger than his own, and his room was far more cramped. Neil tried to sit up again, and this time he managed to stay up on his elbows at least. "Neil if you knew, it wouldn't have worked." She said, sitting next to him. "I guess I should feel good knowing I'm out of the marriage..." He admitted, clearing his throat. Before he knew it she had a glass of water she was pouring down his throat, letting him up for air only when it was fully consumed. He hacked and coughed, but the cotton mouth was going away at least. "Thanks." He said, and continued his previous thought. "and I'd rather be taking out by my...girl...friend?" He blinked, trying to wrap his head around it. "Wait...are you my girlfriend? [@Penny]