"You know where Flower is?" Curious eyes glanced back at the rocky shoreline before Caleb allowed himself to be led away by this strange [i]thing[/i]. Rainbow was allegedly his (its?) name. The adventurer had read about such creatures in books before. Ones that were short, had slimy green skin, and lived somewhere across the Big Ocean. They were called goblins. None of the pictures that he had seen of them matched Rainbow's description though. There was nothing about ears sticking out at the top of their heads anyway. At least the height was relatively accurate -- "Is that what you call your gull?" "Well. . He's not really mine, but yessir." They were headed further and further into dense vegetation by now. The small boy hadn't even noticed that he was lightly trembling as their trek took them deeper into a jungle. Sea salt carried by the wind was sharply replaced by humidity and hanging vines. A seagull immediately began to flutter away from one of them and just above their heads. There was an odd sigh of relief from Caleb. Even if things were [i]a little[/i] scary right now, he was glad to know that Flower had made it through alright. "What is this place?" "This island doesn't really have a name and the civilization is christened in a Dwarven tongue." Wildlife seemed surprisingly barren in the jungle from what could Caleb see. By now, the creature was dismounting from its noble steed. Ribbon's tail was wildly wagging as Rainbow reached to rip away what appeared to be a rock covering a hole that led deep into the ground. "In we go. It's a tight squeeze, but don't worry, there's more room on the inside. I've already taken the liberty of clearing out all the snakes too." "Snakes?!" "Yeah. They've already been taken out though, so don't worry. I'll even go first if that makes you feel any better." Caleb had barely a moment to respond before Rainbow plunged into the darkness of the ground below. Flower settled on a vine just above the rock when Ribbon lowered its head and slid in as well. [i]How uncomfortable.[/i] There was a nervous sigh from the young boy as he clenched the hilt of his sword. Then, with his eyes closed, he too, plunged forward.