[center][h1][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.gifer.com/I9Me.gif[/img] [I][color=#EEE8AA]Location:[/color][/i] Truck -- The Road [i][color=#EEE8AA]Skills:[/color][/i] Light Manipulation[/center] [hr][hr] Ezekiel smirked at the middle finger Kristin gave him and watched the Cyclopes burn alive. [color=#EEE8AA]"Hmm, perhaps I am my father's son,"[/color] he mused. With that taken care of, he walked back to the truck and fished out his pack and headed to the knew vehicle. Apparently that one was still drive-able. He didn't bother to comment on Leda's apology. Things happen and things always happen to demi-gods, it was literally apart of their life. [color=#EEE8AA]"At least we live to fight another day,"[/color] he said. He opened up the back door and noticed the baby just as Leda commented on it. Ezekiel groaned. [color=#EEE8AA]"I agree with the beach idea, even if it will prolong our journey more. I [b]did not[/b] sign up for babysitting duty. No way, no how,"[/color] Ezekiel shut the door and walked around to the other side to the free seat. Of course he was stuck in the back with a Cyclopes baby. [color=#EEE8AA]"Leda, don't name it. That's how you get attached,"[/color] Ezekiel said after he got into the vehicle.