[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fWpmWD76/ba126c5312a21eb9b6823aa5d6245506.png[/img][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][h3][u]Sharon, Shalador[/u][/h3][/color][/center] Mikhail had a distant look on his face as he walked away from the camp, aimlessly through the ruined town. He wasn't happy about the situation itself and being alone, thinking about it only made unwanted memories to resurface on his mind. Recent ones about certain contracts he had taken and from those, they came, like shards of glass cutting at the borders of his mind. Feelings of guilt, of loss, anger, sadness. A pain that was hard to identify from where it came... Much to his surprise though, a voice sounded from behind interrupting his thoughts and forcing him to think straight. It was Gennar, the most... sensible and understanding of the brothers. Giving a deep breath, trying to push down those feelings and lock them deep within his mind, he looked at Gennar as he spoke to him, trying to comfort him and warning him of his 'state', saying that he shouldn't be wandering by himself. [color=6ecff6]"For people like me, there aren't many opportunities to be kind... To be someone else than an assassin. A tool to end someone else's life."[/color] Mikhail said with a distant voice, staying quiet for a moment. [color=6ecff6]"We all need something to remind us that we're still humans, that we still have emotions... This is especially true for me, seeing what I'm trying to get rid of."[/color] He finished as he looked at Gennar. When Gennar spoke about Faeril, handing him the small healing web that was made by Faeril despite her exhausted state, more than the feeling of being grateful came to his mind. Somehow, that situation felt... familiar. The troubles that a sister's effort could bring... When did that happen...? Where those feelings were coming from? As he continued to, inadvertently dig his mind for answers, an almost forgotten face came to his mind, together with a the pain of loss and heaviness on his chest. He didn't know that face, yet he knew that he held it deep within his heart. Someone dear to him, and together with that, an agonizing pain and suffering... The feeling of having lost something important... Mikhail flinched for a moment, putting his hand over his face as he looked to the ground with his eyes wide open. Confusion and a mix of different emotions clear in his expression. Indeed, the warning came too late. [color=6ecff6]"Yes... I will try being careful. My mind seems to have a... cruel way of reminding me of my condition..."[/color] he spoke after a moment of silence as he grabbed the healing web that was delivered by Gennar. Despite his attempt to regain his composure, it was obvious that something had happened. What it was would be clear for Gennar, who already knew of his condition.