[center] [h1][b][u]Alys[/u][/b][/h1] & [h1][b][u]Mathius[/u][/b][/h1] [i]Fifteen Years after Antiquity…[/i] [/center] [hr] Somehow, they had found their way out of the forest. They were well into the afternoon when they saw the village - a few dozen huts, and some fields where sheep grazed. “People!” Alys shouted excitedly. “Follow me!” she ordered Mathius, and then rushed forward. Mathius was honestly stunned, they had actually managed to find their way to civilization? Perhaps he had been too harsh on this child. [color=A52A2A]”Alys wait up!”[/color] He called as he rushed to follow her. The girl did not wait, though he would have little difficulty catching up to her. Shepherds cast confused looks toward them, as did the handful of people who were out and about the village’s streets. As she passed, the sheep in the fields began to panic, letting out nervous “baas” or even running away. They entered the confines of the village just as an older-looking woman stepped outside of a nearby hut. “Who are you?” she asked, her eyes narrowing as they settled on Mathius’s boney black-robed frame. “I’m Alys!” the girl said excitedly. “What is this place?” But the woman did not answer. Her gaze remained set on Mathius. [color=A52A2A]”We’re travellers,”[/color] Mathius replied, looking the woman dead in her eyes in return, well, if he had eyes. [color=A52A2A]”We come from the south.”[/color] he hadn’t realized how strange his form was until now. “Why are you dressed like that? And why do you have a child with you?” “I’m not with him!” Alys protested. “He’s with me! I’m in charge!” Mathius sighed [color=A52A2A]“She’s my niece, her parents died and i’ve been put in charge of her, as for my dress, i’m a magic user.”[/color] He looked over at Alys, hoping she would keep up the facade. The suspicion did not abate. “Why is your face covered, then?” A small group began to form, as more and more noticed the confrontation. Mathius paused for a brief moment, he kept forgetting that part. [color=A52A2A]”It, is part of my order, we’re trained to see through the mana and as such,”[/color] He gestured to his face [color=A52A2A]”We cover our faces.”[/color] The woman stared at him in confusion. After all, a random villager from a shepherd community in the middle of nowhere was unlikely to know anything about magic or those who practiced it. After a few moments, she found her voice. “Well, you’re not using yer magic right now, are you? Show us your face.” Ah, he had worried they would ask that [color=A52A2A]”Well, you see, its, uh, against our beliefs to do so after we’ve trained far enough, after a while its better for us to just continue using the magic then, showing our faces.”[/color] He was growing increasingly nervous, this was not going well. “They say the chieftain of Morganstead was murdered by a white-haired boy,” said a man in the crowd. “Tilda, do you think they might’ve been mistaken? Maybe it was a girl instead.” “Could be,” the woman - Tilda, presumably - nodded. “Morganbread? Where’s that?” Alys asked, confused. [color=A52A2A}’Morganstead, and I too am unfamiliar with such a place, we are not from the area.”[/color] He glanced towards Alys, it was then he fully realized they were the most suspicious duo in pretty much existence. Tilda’s frown deepened. “I’ve only ever known of a few people who had white hair,” she said. “Konrad of Thyma, and his children.” “You… you knew my father?” Alys asked, wide-eyed. “Well, there we have it,” Tilda said. “We can take her to Morganstead. Find out if she was the one.” She looked to Mathius. “We’ll have to bring him too.” Mathius put his hand upon Alys, bringing her closer to him [color=A52A2A]”We will be going nowhere, we know of nothing in relation to Morganstead, we just wish to pass through.”[/color] he could feel Yamat beginning to take interest, he just hoped he didn’t have to kill anyone. “L-leave us alone!” Alys protested. “We didn’t do anything!” “Sorry, child,” Tilda said sympathetically. “But we need to know. We’ll let you go if it turns out you’re not the one.” One of the villagers stepped forward. “Let’s see what you’re hiding, ‘mage’,” he said, reaching for Mathius’s face. Fuck it. He had enough, if these people wanted conflict, they would get conflict. He raised his hand, the golden cloth glowing ever so slightly. In an instant the villager was tossed backwards, flying through the air and landing with a thud. [color=DAA520]”Leave. Us. Alone.”[/color] He commanded, his voice harsher and more booming than before. The villagers stared in astonishment, all too frozen to move. “GO AWAY!” Alys shouted, raising her hands, and a great plume of fire shot forth. Tilda and another villager were engulfed in flames, and they fell to the ground screaming. The others turned and fled. Alys turned and with a wave of her hand, set a small fire on the roof of Tilda’s hut, which quickly began to spread. “Your village is ugly!” she shouted. Mathius knew he should probably stop her, but hey, they deserved it, he turned towards the fields and raised his hands once more, suddenly the once green grass began to turn a sickly brown, rotting and decaying [color=A52A2A]”Don’t worry,”[/color] he spoke mostly to himself [color=A52A2A]”It'll end in about a week.”[/color] He turned back towards Alys, tapping her on the shoulder. [color=A52A2A]”We should get out of here before they come back with weapons.”[/color] “No. I’m in charge,” Alys shook her head. “I can do whatever I want,” she said. It wasn’t just a stubborn rejection; there was a certain sense of revelry in her voice. She began walking forward. “Ugly! Ugly! Ugly!” she shouted, setting a house ablaze with each word. One man ran out, screaming in terror. “You’re ugly!” she shouted, setting him ablaze. A smile flickered across her face. Mathius felt a tug in his mind, a suggestion, now would be a good learning moment. [color=A52A2A]”Well then,”[/color] He followed behind her, waving his hand to cause a tree to collapse upon a non-burning house, crashing down straight in the center. [color=A52A2A]”How about we show this ugly town why they shouldn’t mess with us?”[/color] [hr] Half an hour later, the village was in ruins. The huts that weren’t ablaze had collapsed. The villagers had offered no resistance; those who survived had fled in terror, vanishing into the woods. The fences had been broken and the sheep were set free… though Alys did set a few on fire, after they refused to let her pet them. “That was fun,” Alys remarked, as they stood outside the wreckage. [color=A52A2A]”Feels good to let loose doesn’t it?”[/color] Mathius asked, gazing upon the broken village, he could feel a sense of pride in his mind, both from his own creator, and towards Alys herself. [color=A52A2A]”What now Alys? If I may suggest, we should probably leave the local area, though, if anyone wants to pick a fight again I'm sure we can give a message.”[/color] For once, Alys did not object. [hr] [hider=Post Summary] Alys and Mathius find a village. The village sees Alys’s white hair and recalls the story of how a white-haired kid murdered the chieftain of Morganstead. They also see Mathius’s black robes and concealed face and get super suspicious. They refuse to let the two go, so Mathius and Alys attack. Mathius originally just tried to scare them off, but Alys began murdering the entire village. They both have a great deal of fun, but eventually there’s nothing left to destroy, so the two decide to move on. Number of people Yamat/Mahtius have yeeted: 2 [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] [u]Alys[/u] [b]Beginning:[/b] 12 +3 for 5000+ characters. -3 to burn a bunch of things. [b]Ending:[/b] 12 [/hider] [hider=MP Summary] Yamat/Mathius Start=5mp/5dp 1dp=Cause a weeklong famine of the grass in the grazing fields of the village. Yamat/Mathius End=5mp/3dp 1 point towards the Decay portfolio [/hider]