[center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/25/00/8c/25008cd46a9a1caa0f968bf201dbae08.gif[/img] [I]Location: North Carolina, The Road Again Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Kristin turned her head to look over her shoulder seeing the baby cyclops in the back seat staring at the three of them, it couldn't have been more than a few months old, maybe a year at best, but it was oddly really cute. It's one eye blinking at them, looking a bit confused, Kristin felt bad that they had just killed it's parent. [color=yellow]"Awww he's actually really cute.."[/color] Kristin said she shook her head slightly at Zeke's comment. [color=yellow]"Well we cant just call it a baby or an it."[/color] She said shaking her head slightly pulling out Leda's compass and then thought about the closest beach that she knew of. [color=yellow]"It's a bit out of the way, but before I became a full time camper my family always rented out a beach house in Myrtle Beach South Carolina."[/color] Kristin suggested, Heracles would then reach down under its baby car seat pulling out one of those inflatable toy clubs and threw it at Zeke's head and it started to laugh loudly. [color=yellow]"Yeah I dont think Heracles likes it when you talk about him like that."[/color] Kristin said she was actually pretty happy she didn't get to sit in the backseat now, she looked down at the floor in the backseat seeing that it was really filthy with empty fast food bags and containers.