[center][h2]Tylissians[/h2] [img]https://imgc.allpostersimages.com/img/print/u-g-PSVULL0.jpg?w=550&h=550&p=0[/img] Week 1, Cycle 1, Day 1[/center] Tilvadus groaned as he woke up with a sneeze. The first thing he saw and heard was the sunlight peeking through the tree canopies and the chirping of birds while they flew from branch to branch. He wondered why he felt so cold until he realized that he had no clothes on him. Resting his back against the tree trunk to steady himself, Tilvadus looked to his left and right hoping to see if there were more people around. Thankfully there were as he could see other individuals with pointed ears wandering about with growing curiosity. He saw the young and the old, parents and children, and men and women trying to make sense of their surroundings. Suddenly, a loud voice shook the forest they were in. "We need food, shelter, clothing, and protection!" the voice shouted to the heavens. "Menoic! Get a census, I must know how many of us are present in this area!" [hr]80 elves, only 80 elves were accounted for as they shyly gathered around the current leader of this group. Uriel, an elf of ashen blonde hair that reached his elbows carefully laid out his decisions to his fellow elves. A source of clean water was paramount for the small tribe to ensure their survival. And so began a mildly long trek to find the end of the forest which the elves found to be a bay area that surrounds the small peninsula they were on. On the distant horizon, they could spot three mouths of rivers flowing into the bay area. A good sign for a source of fresh water for the elves. It seems the location they found themselves in was a good spot to take residence but Uriel was cautious. He was determined to explore the rivers to see if it was safe for drinking and washing. With few other able males to form a small scouting party, he set out to reach the closest river to the starting location by walking along the coast to avoid getting lost in the wilderness. The elves that remain in place have to set out to start gathering material for clothes and food to eat. [hr]Time Passed: many hours passed but still on the first day Time Until Next Turn: 3 months Events: the Tylissians found a potential spot to live in a place in the forest and have identified three rivers that could provide a source of fresh water.