[center][sub][h3]Kayla[/h3][/sub][/center][hr] "Is there some sort of bar for entrance that I wasn't made aware of?" Kayla drawled, lazily looking Agatha over with thinly veiled boredom. "A good portion of us simply joined. Some of us, and I don't mean this in any way negative..." she said, her eyes glancing to Herik and Molly, "...Don't even possess any abilities of their own. Do we even need another member?" There was an unspoken second part to Kayla's question. An insinuation that would likely be picked up by those paying attention around her. [i]Another member that you cant control.[/i] Kayla was not the type to openly insult people, preferring to choose her battles and dress her temperament in biting tact that held truth to the statement. She sighed and rubbed her temples a bit. "Madison," she said, her tone ever sharp. "I'll help you." she said simply, not bothering to explained her thought process too much further. Simply put, Madison helped her settle her business and Kayla owed her one... And Kayla hated owing people anything. She turned her attention back to Agatha. "I see no reason not to give the person the time of day, but calling a vote when we know nothing about them is..." [i]Moronic, stupid, asinine, unintelligent, dumb[/i] "...Unwise. I want to see what I'm voting for."